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lost a computer

Doug Rahn
Frank Merkl
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lost a computer Empty lost a computer

Post  Frank Merkl December 8th 2016, 4:50 am

when I when to Las Vegas i SHUT DOWN MY main computer , and now it's dead!!!! everyone's emails gone , 30 year pics gone ! orders for Vb's Gone , some I wrote down\,,some I didn't !!
Frank Merkl
Frank Merkl

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lost a computer Empty Re: lost a computer

Post  Doug Rahn December 8th 2016, 5:36 am

Frank, I thought the same thing one time, I had one crash and couldn't even start it up. I took it to a specialty computer shop and they recovered everything from the hard drive and put it on disc for me. Thousands of photos, videos, CAD drawings, and various other documents, life saver. I couldn't thank those guys enough. After that I started using Carbonite online backup and have had to use it at least once since then, another life saver.
Doug Rahn
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lost a computer Empty Re: lost a computer

Post  Gregaust December 8th 2016, 5:38 am

Oh no, hopefully it can be retrieved . On a side note i did have and order in for One valvebody for next year .


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lost a computer Empty Re: lost a computer

Post  jasonf December 8th 2016, 8:54 am

What is it doing Frank? Nothing at all it could just be a power supply. If it tries it could be many things but even if you have a hard drive failure sometimes they are able to retrieve some of your data and if you are lucky you can get all of it as mentioned above.

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lost a computer Empty Re: lost a computer

Post  HorsinAround December 8th 2016, 10:31 am

If the computer its self is dead, the hard drive may be perfectly fine. If so, the hard drive can be removed and added as a secondary HD on another computer. Then the files can be copied to the primary hard drive and email address's recovered.

I know it's too late now, but for the future, pick up a 1 or 2 TB external hard drive and use windows back up program to regularily back the internal hard drive. Cheap insurance imho.

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lost a computer Empty Re: lost a computer

Post  plowboy34 December 8th 2016, 5:44 pm

I agree take it to someone who really knows puters, mine literally started smoking one time. Lucky for me my son's father in law is a puter expert and he saved everything from it, absolutely everything. I also agree on the external hard drive backup, he gave me one and I too have had to use it.


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lost a computer Empty Re: lost a computer

Post  BigBlockRanger December 8th 2016, 5:53 pm

My money is on the power supply. Seen it plenty of times. They'll run forever until you shut it off, then it's done.

I take care of our office computers (12+) and I tell everyone to just leave them on 24/7 but I keep a few PS's on hand to fix them when they croak.

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lost a computer Empty Re: lost a computer

Post  HorsinAround December 8th 2016, 7:12 pm

BigBlockRanger wrote:My money is on the power supply.  Seen it plenty of times. They'll run forever until you shut it off, then it's done.

I take care of our office computers (12+) and I tell everyone to just leave them on 24/7 but I keep a few PS's on hand to fix them when they croak.

That is my guess as well based on the info. Been an it pro for 30 years. Not much I haven't seen.

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lost a computer Empty Re: lost a computer

Post  jbozzelle December 10th 2016, 12:19 pm

Bring it to the shop and they can probably stick the HD into a case and then you can access it as an external drive. I've done it a time or two. If it was password protected it may or may not be accessible but there are free software programs out there to scan and retrieve documents off of it...


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