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cnc motorsports anyone ever use there shortblocks ?

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cnc motorsports anyone ever use there shortblocks ?  Empty cnc motorsports anyone ever use there shortblocks ?

Post  5pointslow December 8th 2016, 9:03 am

looking at my options and came across there shortblocks , id be hard pressed to be able to do the same for that kind of money . Was wondering any of you guys deal with them ?


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cnc motorsports anyone ever use there shortblocks ?  Empty Re: cnc motorsports anyone ever use there shortblocks ?

Post  pmrphil December 8th 2016, 9:54 am

I did once, and I wouldn't again. Is this a street car? You do see that the compression is way too high for pump gas. You will only get what you pay for. P.M. me if you want more info.


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cnc motorsports anyone ever use there shortblocks ?  Empty Re: cnc motorsports anyone ever use there shortblocks ?

Post  Curt December 8th 2016, 2:05 pm

One thing we know for sure,,,,,,,,,,, the scrolling red letters and numbers below the site logo is an excellent place to start. (and finish)

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cnc motorsports anyone ever use there shortblocks ?  Empty Re: cnc motorsports anyone ever use there shortblocks ?

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