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DOVE-C heads

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DOVE-C heads Empty DOVE-C heads

Post  Yoeman December 28th 2016, 10:15 pm

Been out of the loop for a few years. Does anyone want these heads anymore? I have a bare set in my shed just sitting, car is long gone and I hate seeing them just sit there.

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DOVE-C heads Empty Re: DOVE-C heads

Post  bbf-falcon December 28th 2016, 10:20 pm

Yea,there's still guys out there using them. Should be someone out there that needs a set. Haven't heard from you in ages.


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DOVE-C heads Empty Re: DOVE-C heads

Post  Yoeman December 28th 2016, 10:31 pm

Yeah, my Niece stole my Ranchero and destroyed it. It's probably still sitting in the abandoned barn I shoved it back into. She ended up dying of a heroin OD, surprise, surprise. Nate and I don't do much video work anymore, modern cell phones kinda took all the money out of that business, miss the hell out of the Bash! I got these and a set of 2.19/1.73 stainless valves if anyone wants em. Need machined, I could sell em or give em away, hate to see em gathering dust.

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Age : 60
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DOVE-C heads Empty heads

Post  ROAD RAGE December 28th 2016, 11:42 pm

I would be interested in the heads, How much do you need for'em?

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DOVE-C heads Empty Re: DOVE-C heads

Post  Coupe Devil January 17th 2017, 6:13 pm

I sure hope there are people still using them. I have a set on my car that will be for sale when I can afford to fix the TFS heads I have .
Coupe Devil
Coupe Devil

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DOVE-C heads Empty Re: DOVE-C heads

Post  dfree383 January 17th 2017, 7:05 pm

Build a car and come racing with us!

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DOVE-C heads Empty Re: DOVE-C heads

Post  old blue January 18th 2017, 10:57 pm

Well said dfree, always awsome see another racer at the track!
old blue
old blue

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