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Helmet Blower

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Helmet Blower Empty Helmet Blower

Post  valleydawg February 8th 2017, 12:09 pm

Anyone using a helmet blower for cooling? I am looking at the Fast sidekick blower and wanted to know if anyone knows anything about them. Moves 50 cfm but some of the others moves 100 cfm. Didn't know if it would help or just blow hot air in my face Smile. Thanks

Posts : 427
Join date : 2009-12-08
Location : SC

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Helmet Blower Empty Re: Helmet Blower

Post  BigDave65 February 10th 2017, 12:51 pm

The setup my buddy had, used a small cooler with an aluminum manifold inside that the ice would cool. The air would pass through the manifold getting cooled down before being blown into his helmet. It felt really good inside the helmet! No idea on the fan cfm.

Posts : 567
Join date : 2009-08-12
Age : 58
Location : Cliffside, NC

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