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The dinner on Thursday night June 8 will be at Phillip Oakley's shop.

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The dinner on Thursday night June 8 will be at Phillip Oakley's shop.  Empty The dinner on Thursday night June 8 will be at Phillip Oakley's shop.

Post  Wes Littrell February 17th 2017, 9:04 am

Phillip has offered to have a catered meal at his shop Thursday night June 8.  I think this will be a lot better for people to get to talk to each other. We can eat and wonder around instead of just sitting at one table and also get to check out cool stuff. The address is 5393 Highway 54
Owensboro, KY 42303
270-344-0912. Hope to see you all there. Bruno please make this a sticky also. Thanks
Wes Littrell
Wes Littrell

Posts : 647
Join date : 2008-12-16
Age : 53
Location : Mid Mo

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