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Round hole, square peg...DIY bushings

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Round hole, square peg...DIY bushings  Empty Round hole, square peg...DIY bushings

Post  56f100guy March 3rd 2017, 5:52 pm

Round hole, square peg...DIY bushings  0225172242_zpsdjwumhm3

I was messing with stuff I had laying around looking to make some bushings.

1/2" ID sleeve, 5/8" heater hose, and 1" square tube. I literally had to hammer the sleeve in, that puppy aint going anywhere.

Whats it for? I'm not sure yet but possibly a transmission mount.

Cheap and easy way to make custom width small bushings.

Just thought I'd share Smile


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Round hole, square peg...DIY bushings  Empty Re: Round hole, square peg...DIY bushings

Post  IDT-572 March 3rd 2017, 7:01 pm

I like it.......

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Round hole, square peg...DIY bushings  Empty Re: Round hole, square peg...DIY bushings

Post  56f100guy March 3rd 2017, 7:33 pm

IDT-572 wrote:I like it.......

Thanks. I tried it with a piece of the blue silicone hose and its an even tighter fit, and it matches my engine color.

I think this could open up a few options in fabrication. Flat is easier to weld than round. If done right, they might not even be able to tell its a 'bushed' joint. I haven't tried other sizes of sleeves and hose combinations, but I'm sure it could be upscaled, or even downscaled. Heck, use some 5/16" fuel line for things like gauges?

As a side note... A one hole rubber stopper is made of the same material, and has the same durometer number as a rubber leaf spring bushing which I found is about 55. Hmm, who knew?!

I wonder how fun EPDM rubber is to machine? I hear some people freeze it first. A tapered rubber stopper to a step flange shape would be easy...


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Round hole, square peg...DIY bushings  Empty Re: Round hole, square peg...DIY bushings

Post  Coupe Devil March 7th 2017, 11:45 pm

Whats it for? No clue. Sounds like me! "Dont know what the hell I'll use this for but I have one"!
Coupe Devil
Coupe Devil

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Post  DILLIGASDAVE March 8th 2017, 3:17 am

If you're going to do that why not just use round tubing for both the inner & outer tubes? IMO round + round = more overall support for the rubber insert.

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Post  Vermaverick March 12th 2017, 11:08 pm

Great mguyverizim!


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Post  Mike R March 13th 2017, 7:34 pm

DILLIGASDAVE wrote:If you're going to do that why not just use round tubing for both the inner & outer tubes? IMO round + round = more overall support for the rubber insert.  

X2 Under any kind of load situation the rubber will push into the corners

Mike R

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