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460 bb with 750 dp

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460 bb with 750 dp Empty 460 bb with 750 dp

Post  effy055 March 17th 2017, 9:38 am

i bought a 1975 f100 twin cab ...[aussie right hand drive ]with a 460 big block...when I went to view and start it was popping preety bad from the small whelsh plug in the front of the block behind air con motor [on the left hand side] water or oil was coming out except air[popping]....or should some fluid of some description be comming out it...can someone tell me is this usual or is there a cracked head..head gasket...or someother would the radiator be blocked seems to always run hot to near boiling


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Join date : 2017-03-17

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460 bb with 750 dp Empty Re: 460 bb with 750 dp

Post  Mark Miller March 17th 2017, 11:23 pm

effy055 wrote:i bought a 1975 f100 twin cab ...[aussie right hand drive ]with a 460 big block...when I went to view and start it was popping preety bad from the small whelsh plug in the front of the block behind air con motor [on the left hand side] water or oil was coming out except air[popping]....or should some fluid of some description be comming out it...can someone tell me is this usual or is there a cracked head..head gasket...or someother would the radiator be blocked seems to always run hot to near boiling

If it's a plug in the head you're talking about,if so it's probably from the smog pump IIRC and i've had it happen to me years ago?

Mark Miller

Posts : 1948
Join date : 2009-09-01

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460 bb with 750 dp Empty solution

Post  effy055 March 18th 2017, 8:22 am

thanks for the reply ...yes it is in the front of the block on passenger side ... is there a solution to stop it overheating ...IF..this is the cause of it thank you


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Join date : 2017-03-17

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460 bb with 750 dp Empty Re: 460 bb with 750 dp

Post  Mark Miller March 18th 2017, 11:56 pm

It shouldn't have anything to with the engine overheating IMO unless the timing is off which IIRC is how it happened to me.

Mark Miller

Posts : 1948
Join date : 2009-09-01

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460 bb with 750 dp Empty Re: 460 bb with 750 dp

Post  jasonf March 19th 2017, 2:41 pm

This is the only image I could find on the egr crossover tube. It should be your leak but it shouldn't have anything to do with your cooling issue as stated above. You can just make a small plate to cover the holes or put a frost plug in if you can get the right size.

460 bb with 750 dp 3952578330_66b4772e96

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Join date : 2009-07-14
Age : 55
Location : Lafayette, LA

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460 bb with 750 dp Empty re bb

Post  effy055 March 27th 2017, 9:46 am

thanks for the info appreciated


Posts : 3
Join date : 2017-03-17

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460 bb with 750 dp Empty Re: 460 bb with 750 dp

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