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Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts

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Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts Empty Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts

Post  jpierce55 August 31st 2017, 9:21 pm

Has anyone seen a difference in longevity? I am more concerned with bolts than the joints.


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Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts Empty Re: Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts

Post  Curt August 31st 2017, 10:36 pm

Spicer without a zerk.

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Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts Empty Re: Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts

Post  jpierce55 September 1st 2017, 7:24 am

Any thoughts on the straps vs bolts.

Is the only purpose ton prevent over tightening or is there any other strength benefit?


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Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts Empty Re: Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts

Post  Doug Rahn September 1st 2017, 9:24 am

For an all out race car the Spicer 1350 without a grease fitting is the way to go. On my car I had the same U joints since 2006 with no issues, I just re-grease them whenever I pull the driveshaft. I also use the "U" bolt type and torque them to 20-24 lb. ft. which was recommend by Denny's Driveshaft's where my shaft and "U" bolts came from. Over tightening can put excessive load on the needle bearings and cause premature wear and breakage. As far as which type is better I can't say, I've never have used the Cap type.
Doug Rahn
Doug Rahn

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Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts Empty Re: Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts

Post  jpierce55 September 1st 2017, 1:31 pm

Ill go spicer and regular bolts. The caps cost more than an overtightened u joint getting replaced would be anyway. I can't find anything online indicating another purpose for them.


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Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts Empty Re: Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts

Post  DILLIGASDAVE September 2nd 2017, 2:07 am

jpierce55 wrote:Any thoughts on the straps vs bolts.

Is the only purpose ton prevent over tightening or is there any other strength benefit?

Meh, they look a lot like the old Moroso aluminum U-joint cap/strap/girdle setup. I tried the Moroso pieces and wasn't impressed vs the conventional U-bolts. The aluminum cap/strap/girdle (whatever) aren't fool proof, you can still over tighten them too.

The difference is if you over tighten the U-bolt setup it might crush/bind up U-joint cap a little, but at least the U-joint caps are still held firm. Over tighten the aluminum cap/strap/girdle deals enough and you can deform them enough to where even when they feel "tight" they might not actually be grabbing the U-joint caps tight enough.

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Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts Empty Re: Best 9" u-joint and u-joint bolts

Post  jpierce55 September 2nd 2017, 9:22 am

That's good info. Thanks.

My old u joint spilled out on the way down to Ky, and I can't say I ever actually messed with a u joint before.

The pieces of the car are actually coming back together quicker than expected.

It's an odd experience realizing what i have forgotten or what I never new, since I always had my father helping in the past.


Posts : 111
Join date : 2009-08-23

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