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Which Battery Charger

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Which Battery Charger  Empty Which Battery Charger

Post  t-bird racer October 8th 2017, 10:37 am

I have a new Yellow Top AGM Battery. Should I get the matching Optima charger to match? The optima charger
only charges at 12 amp max. Somethimes between rounds, I may need to charge at a faster rate, or is the
new Digital charging better for this AGM battery???
t-bird racer
t-bird racer

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Which Battery Charger  Empty Re: Which Battery Charger

Post  maverick October 8th 2017, 12:26 pm

I run a pair of yellow tops in my race car with no alternator. My regular Shumacher battery charger works great at the track. While the car is in the garage I keep it hooked to a battery tender to keep the batteries fat and happy. The batteries are now 7 years old and going strong. The important thing is to keep the charge up during storage (above 10.5 volts). Storing with a weak charge will kill them early.

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Which Battery Charger  Empty Re: Which Battery Charger

Post  t-bird racer October 8th 2017, 12:40 pm

Which one do you have? How many amp charge, and how long to charge between rounds?
t-bird racer
t-bird racer

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Which Battery Charger  Empty Re: Which Battery Charger

Post  maverick October 8th 2017, 8:50 pm

With 2 deep cycle batteries I could probably run all day without the charger...but I've never tried.  I 've always had plenty of zap...and EVERYTHING is electric on my car...MSD 7al3, Meziere remote water pump, 2 radiator fans, trans cooler fan, MagnaFuel 500 fuel pump, 2 taillights at night, driver cooling fan.  I charge the pair at 40 amps (more like 20 apiece) between rounds, just because I can.  I have skipped the charge between rounds on occasion and noticed no difference. Honestly, I think the battery tender in the garage is the key to this success story.

It's the Shumacher deal on 2 wheels.  Charges at 12v maintainer,  10 amps,  40 amps, 200 amps, I think.

I actually only run the charger until the water pump and fans have cooled the car down, then shut it off....usually less than an hour. Not sure of your needs with just one battery

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Which Battery Charger  Empty Re: Which Battery Charger

Post  BigRigTech October 9th 2017, 9:36 pm

I have the same Shumacher charger and it works well. I don't have AGM's yet but I pretty much do the same thing as described above. I charge them periodically though the winter as well and my car is stored in a heated garage which also helps. One battery has been in the car since I bought it in 2012 and it still going strong. I just added a 55A alternator this year which helps a lot with keeping them topped up during the race weekends.

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Which Battery Charger  Empty Re: Which Battery Charger

Post  69F100 October 10th 2017, 8:58 pm

I have this one it has the AGM setting on it works great plus when you put it on 2 amp charge it acts as a maintainer

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