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Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC?

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Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC? Empty Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC?

Post  thunderguns71 October 10th 2017, 11:44 am

Looking for a machine shop around Winston-Salem NC. Preferably someone who deals with BBF's. The guy I normally use is 5+ months behind and the only other close shop isn't willing to balance a stroker. Need to get this 521 rotating assembly balanced, block bored/prepped etc. Willing to drive a few hundred miles if need be to find someone who knows these engines and can do the job right. Thanks, Sean


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Join date : 2009-09-21

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Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC? Empty Re: Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC?

Post  69F100 October 10th 2017, 12:21 pm

Call this number 1-864-229-6665 can't remember the name of the shop but he is a Ford man and does good work.

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Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC? Empty Re: Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC?

Post  thunderguns71 October 10th 2017, 5:29 pm

Will do, thanks!


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Join date : 2009-09-21

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Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC? Empty Re: Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC?

Post  69F100 October 10th 2017, 8:28 pm

I think he in Greenville SC been awhile my buddy Rick has his machine work done there and told me about him it's like 230 miles up to his shop from me. He did all my machine work on my 552 bbf balancing and block work I dropped it off one weekend and went back 2 weeks later and picked it back up. But he does stay busy.

Posts : 5386
Join date : 2009-01-04
Age : 57
Location : Irwinville Ga.

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Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC? Empty Re: Any machine shops around the Piedmont, NC?

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