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What happened to Fordmuscle dot com??

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What happened to Fordmuscle dot com?? Empty What happened to Fordmuscle dot com??

Post  BBFTorino December 3rd 2017, 3:29 am

Its been ages since I looked on there, and I just looked and its like all new and everything, but they got rid of the forums section!!
Anyone delighted or disappointed??


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What happened to Fordmuscle dot com?? Empty Re: What happened to Fordmuscle dot com??

Post  DeepRoots December 3rd 2017, 8:50 pm


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What happened to Fordmuscle dot com?? Empty Re: What happened to Fordmuscle dot com??

Post  DeepRoots December 3rd 2017, 8:52 pm

I'll be honest with ya..... photobucket killed it all for me.
I had dozens of 100+ picture posts/tutorials wiped out.
I just hang on facebook groups and started my own for my own projects. At least I can save the threads and refer back to them a decade later when someone asks a question.


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What happened to Fordmuscle dot com?? Empty Re: What happened to Fordmuscle dot com??

Post  BBFTorino December 3rd 2017, 11:00 pm

Its all the stupid advertisements that turned me off in the first place. can't navigate around the place because you gotta wait for all the BS ad's to load up!!


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What happened to Fordmuscle dot com?? Empty Re: What happened to Fordmuscle dot com??

Post  dfree383 December 4th 2017, 5:20 am

Same shit as the old 429-460 site, just interested in advertising $$$ not the subjects

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What happened to Fordmuscle dot com?? Empty Re: What happened to Fordmuscle dot com??

Post  DanH December 5th 2017, 12:36 am

Fordmuscle had a lot of thin skin members. Problem was they greatly outnumber the cool guys. I see they edit a lot of the old post. Proof on how thin the skin is over there.


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What happened to Fordmuscle dot com?? Empty Re: What happened to Fordmuscle dot com??

Post  BBFTorino December 5th 2017, 12:52 am

I was on there way back when it first started. There were some colorful characters on there for sure! I remember one guy who used to get everyone all riled up, and all upset. He actually was a pretty good guy, he knew how to push all their buttons!! LOL
But nothing is as stupid as that yellowbull place......God I hate that place!! I refuse to post there!! Mad


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What happened to Fordmuscle dot com?? Empty Re: What happened to Fordmuscle dot com??

Post  DILLIGASDAVE December 5th 2017, 3:02 am

Isn't that the site that at one time had a long running article on an early Ranchero build with a SFI 'moly back-half?

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What happened to Fordmuscle dot com?? Empty Re: What happened to Fordmuscle dot com??

Post  BBFTorino December 5th 2017, 8:08 am



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