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Pulleys - What is are standard sizing early 460

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Pulleys - What is are standard sizing early 460 Empty Pulleys - What is are standard sizing early 460

Post  bigblockfordfxstb February 7th 2018, 10:04 am


After the stock pulley size for the Crank and Water Pump pulleys for early 460 -(385)

Have searched the forum , and checked out summit but cannot see simple pulley size listed for factory engine. Lots of answers but nothing that I was see.

During house move, I decided that I no longer needed the factory old pulleys... but now wish I kept them to have on records the various spec It was a back then... 3 x belt crank and 2 x belt waterpump.

I found another old photo that bad angle was for the crank pulley looked to be around 7.4'

Pulleys - What is are standard sizing early 460 Pulley10
Pulleys - What is are standard sizing early 460 Pulley11
Pulleys - What is are standard sizing early 460 Pulley12

What Currently Have below
Complete - KIT -

Waterpump -
Diameter: 5.2" Overall Length: 2.3" Grooves: 2 Bolt Pattern: 4 Bolt Bolt Circle: 1.75" Pilot Diameter: 5/8" & 3/4"

Diameter: 5.7" Overall Length: 2.6" Grooves: 3 Bolt Pattern: 4 Bolt Bolt Circle: 3.3" Pilot Diameter: 2.2"

High Flow Aluminum Water Pump
- Clockwise Rotation


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Location : Australia

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Pulleys - What is are standard sizing early 460 Empty Re: Pulleys - What is are standard sizing early 460

Post  aquartlow February 7th 2018, 10:32 pm

My stock mid-70's vintage Lincoln/T-bird 460 pulley diameters as measured are: (A)Crank-Alternator belt sheave O.D. is 8.00", Water pump/PS pump sheave is 7 5/8" O.D. and Water pump/A/C compressor sheave is 7 5/8" O.D.   (B)Water pump 2 sheave pulley is 5 7/8" O.D.
Hope this helps

Side note: Just looking at the numbers shows the factory water pump pulley/crank pulley set has the water pump over driven/faster by 22-23% of the crank shaft speed whereas the CVF pulleys has the water pump over driven/faster by only 8-9%, is a pretty big difference but my math could be wrong.

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Pulleys - What is are standard sizing early 460 Empty Re: Pulleys - What is are standard sizing early 460

Post  bigblockfordfxstb February 8th 2018, 4:23 pm

Thannks for your info.!
I possibly found a old measurement I did in 2016 of my pulleys ... ive put them next the CVF items. Using that weblink (used this to sort out my alt pulley size rpm for charge at idle / low rpm) the ratio is not much difference to the overall ratio... CVF have just responded saying that is fine to show difference would need to be alot higher in ratio 30%+ to see a differenc. Ill punch in your ratios one at a computer not mobile. ...

CVF Diameter:   5.2" -     132.08mm 1.09
Mine Measure   6.2" -     160mm 1.19m

CVF -                     5.7"   -   144.78mm
Mine Measured  7.48" -   190mm

Belt Length   833
Ratio   1 : 1.09
RPM Small 1090.9
RPM Large 1000
Belt Speed   452.4 m / min
Belt Length   951
Ratio   1 : 1.19
RPM Small 1187.5
RPM Large 1000
Belt Speed   596.9 m / min



Posts : 125
Join date : 2015-06-22
Location : Australia

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