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Got a new backup motor

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Got a new backup motor  Empty Got a new backup motor

Post  ifucan March 7th 2018, 2:55 pm

Really excited. I just picked up and complete long block for 650 with the following:

Dove-a block with the raised a
Dove-c heads with double springs and 7/16 rocker studs
Head studs and main studs
Has the typical passenger car rod with l2404 pistons, the guy went through it some time ago

It was a great deal and gets me closer to playing again. Just wanted to share a great moment with you guys.


Posts : 36
Join date : 2012-06-13

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Got a new backup motor  Empty Re: Got a new backup motor

Post  BBFTorino March 7th 2018, 5:02 pm

Spare parts is always good!!


Posts : 998
Join date : 2015-12-31

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