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Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Mike R
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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  hienergy557 July 16th 2018, 10:19 pm

I'm looking at a car in Ohio. Runs and drives.
Shipping to Australia seems to work best from the west coast.
So with shipping to LA, who would you guys use? And who wouldn't you use?
A Google search brings up lots of ads and names I've never heard of.
Cheers Colin

1966 Galaxie in Paulding OH

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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  Mike R July 16th 2018, 10:53 pm

My experience with a couple of cars was unless you use one of the expensive, enclosed trailer companies most outfits are just brokers. The three cars we had shipped showed up on owner/operator rigs with Russian team drivers, one pair were pretty crazy, but very entertaining. Very Happy

Mike R

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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  dfree383 July 17th 2018, 8:06 am

What Mike Said, My experience is the same.

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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  wickettoby1 July 17th 2018, 9:12 am

Hey Colin

The other option is fly to the US, buy the car, drive it to the west coast, fill it with parts (that you or your buddies need) and put it on a boat bound for home. This is dependent on the car being in running and driving condition of course.

On a different note have you seen the car in person or have you had someone look at it for you? I live about an hour and a half from Paulding and could probably take a ride over there to check the car out if needed.



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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  Doug Rahn July 17th 2018, 11:41 am

The truck I just posted about that my brother-in-law had shipped from California to Savannah, used this company, Silver Express Logistics. He was satisfied with the cost and service.
Doug Rahn
Doug Rahn

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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  hienergy557 July 17th 2018, 5:14 pm

wickettoby1 wrote:Hey Colin

The other option is fly to the US, buy the car, drive it to the west coast, fill it with parts (that you or your buddies need) and put it on a boat bound for home. This is dependent on the car being in running and driving condition of course.

On a different note have you seen the car in person or have you had someone look at it for you? I live about an hour and a half from Paulding and could probably take a ride over there to check the car out if needed.


Hey Justin
I have thought of doing that. It would be a great road trip. Unfortunately,I'm real busy at work, so I can't get away.

If you can go and check the car for me it would be greatly appreciated.
I will pay you for your time.
I'll PM you.

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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  hienergy557 July 17th 2018, 5:17 pm

Doug Rahn wrote:The truck I just posted about that my brother-in-law had shipped from California to Savannah, used this company, Silver Express Logistics. He was satisfied with the cost and service.

Hi Doug,
I will get a quote. Did your brother in law use open transport or enclosed?
Cheers Colin

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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  rmcomprandy July 17th 2018, 7:22 pm

hienergy557 wrote:I'm looking at a car in Ohio. Runs and drives.
Shipping to Australia seems to work best from the west coast.
So with shipping to LA, who would you guys use? And who wouldn't you use?
A Google search brings up lots of ads and names I've never heard of.
Cheers Colin

1966 Galaxie in Paulding OH

I would use a company called "Reliable Carriers, Inc.." who does this particular shipping all the time for everyone, including one of a kind auto show vehicles for GM, Ford and other O.E.M's shipping around this country.


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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  wickettoby1 July 17th 2018, 7:45 pm


You might want to get a quote to ship the car out of Houston TX. Houston is a big import/export location and it’s half the distance from OH so you’d save money on the trucking fees vs going to LA.



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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  Doug Rahn July 18th 2018, 9:43 am

hienergy557 wrote:
Doug Rahn wrote:The truck I just posted about that my brother-in-law had shipped from California to Savannah, used this company, Silver Express Logistics. He was satisfied with the cost and service.

Hi Doug,
I will get a quote. Did your brother in law use open transport or enclosed?
Cheers Colin

I think it was an enclosed trailer because they where bringing 5 or 6 cars from the left coast.
Doug Rahn
Doug Rahn

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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  dfree383 July 18th 2018, 10:27 am


Watch using some of the brokerage places if your wanting exclusive enclosed and special service, I've had and have had friends have bad experience's, they will typically hold cars outside in the weather at yards and ship them on whatever is available. I've even had a friend get his car back with an additional few hundred miles on it..... Turns out the driver was using it to drive around on his off time to go get dinner and screw around.

If its a nice show car and your looking for exceptional service, go with the higher end direct transport services that specialize in upper end cars, other wise you'll end up with a bunch of yahoo's messing with your toy.


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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  Mike R July 18th 2018, 6:55 pm

dfree383 wrote:Colin,

Watch using some of the brokerage places if your wanting exclusive enclosed and special service, I've had and have had friends have bad experience's, they will typically hold cars outside in the weather at yards and ship them on whatever is available. I've even had a friend get his car back with an additional few hundred miles on it..... Turns out the driver was using it to drive around on his off time to go get dinner and screw around.

If its a nice show car and your looking for exceptional service, go with the higher end direct transport services that specialize in upper end cars, other wise you'll end up with a bunch of yahoo's messing with your toy.


^this^ when my wagon arrived it was two days early, they were 15 minutes away and they wanted cash. They were two mad Russians, one spoke no english, and the other one spoke little. It was like watching a cartoon, screaming back and forth at each other, and then the one in charge opens my doors and starts pulling boxes and strings of Christmas lights out and shoving them into another car, it was quite the scene. These guy's were hauling everything, from a new Jag to a couple of wadded up repairables. Again, you get what you pay for, if it's nice I would use one of the high end enclosed trailer companies.

Mike R

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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  hienergy557 July 18th 2018, 7:48 pm

wickettoby1 wrote:Colin

You might want to get a quote to ship the car out of Houston TX. Houston is a big import/export location and it’s half the distance from OH so you’d save money on the trucking fees vs going to LA.


Everybody here, that I speak to will ship to LA, no matter where it's located, then to Australia. Straight across the Pacific.
If I was to ship from either Houston or east coast (NJ) it would have to come via the Panama Canal.

I guess it's like carrying a gun. I have to decide open or concealed carry Very Happy LOL

I did get a quote from the one Doug suggested. He was a little more expensive but I get a better vibe from him.

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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  TravisRice July 18th 2018, 8:39 pm

You may want to check FedEx custom critical. I've had some shipped to me that way. Usually 8 cars or so in a stacker trailer with soft sides that roll up . The cars are insured. I have no idea on cost as I've had a guy ship cars to do work on them and even shipped a car here for someone from Canada to come and pick up.

I personally never knew they even did this until 10yrs ago.

Just another option.


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Shipping a car Ohio to LA Empty Re: Shipping a car Ohio to LA

Post  hienergy557 August 12th 2018, 10:15 pm

I went with enclosed!

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