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45 years ago today Sept. 20, 1973

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45 years ago today Sept. 20, 1973 Empty 45 years ago today Sept. 20, 1973

Post  BBFTorino September 21st 2018, 1:12 am

On Sept. 20, 1973 we lost (in my opinion) one of the greatest folk / rock singer, songwriter's of all time.
Jim Croce, as well as everyone else on the small commuter plane, perished when the plane could not gain enough altitude to clear some trees at the end of the runway at a small rural airport in Louisiana.
The wing clipped the top of a tree, which forced the plane to slam into the ground, killing all on board instantly.

It was such a tragic shame because at only age 30, Jim Croce's star was really beginning to shine, after a rough and uncertain start in the music business.
He became "larger than life" after his life was ended.
His music has stood the test of time because it is real, and it is honest, and it is from the heart!!

RIP Mr. Jim Croce.


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Join date : 2015-12-31

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45 years ago today Sept. 20, 1973 Empty Re: 45 years ago today Sept. 20, 1973

Post  res0rli9 September 22nd 2018, 5:38 am

Yes. He was one of the greatest.


Posts : 3352
Join date : 2008-12-02
Age : 74
Location : sarasota FL.

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