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NASCAR Detroit locker

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NASCAR Detroit locker Empty NASCAR Detroit locker

Post  XC460Coupe January 20th 2019, 8:52 am

Hi, I recently bought a reconditioned nascar Detroit locker and it is a lot noisier than the last Detroit locker I had in the car. Clacks loudly when turning where as the last one was so quiet I could hardly hear it. Is this normal? Is there anything that I can do to make it quieter? Cheers.

Posts : 16
Join date : 2014-06-24

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NASCAR Detroit locker Empty Re: NASCAR Detroit locker

Post  wickettoby1 January 22nd 2019, 9:20 pm

I have a cup sourced Detroit locker in my Galaxie and it’s very noisy. I usually only notice it during slow speed cornering or backing out of a driveway.


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NASCAR Detroit locker Empty Re: NASCAR Detroit locker

Post  XC460Coupe January 23rd 2019, 6:43 am

Thanks, so this is normal for these. Cheers.

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Join date : 2014-06-24

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NASCAR Detroit locker Empty Re: NASCAR Detroit locker

Post  tbirdmike January 24th 2019, 11:31 am

A buddy has the same. It also makes a bunch of low speed turning noise. No issues.
The one he has had ball bearing pinion bearings. And the gear pattern had minimal contact on the load side. We figured it was that way for least amount of resistance. Howled like hell. Probably doesnt matter to much to them for the mileage they put on them and not take an excelleration hit like drag racing.


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Location : west michigan

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NASCAR Detroit locker Empty Re: NASCAR Detroit locker

Post  427John January 24th 2019, 8:28 pm

The Nascar lockers may be based on the old original detroit design which was quite a bit noisier than the currently marketed soft lockers that came out so long ago that they are considered the norm these days.


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