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Pro stock Ford at Pomona

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Pro stock Ford at Pomona Empty Pro stock Ford at Pomona

Post  rmk57 February 6th 2019, 10:43 pm

I see there's one entered at the Winternationals. Jeff Isbell, anybody heard of him? To bad he's a little late for the P/S party as the class seems to be getting fazed out.


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Pro stock Ford at Pomona Empty Re: Pro stock Ford at Pomona

Post  BigBlockRanger February 7th 2019, 12:22 am

I thougnt I read where more Mustang bodied cars are in the works.

Obviously taking advantage of the ability to run whatever PS power plant they desire.


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Pro stock Ford at Pomona Empty Re: Pro stock Ford at Pomona

Post  maverick532 February 9th 2019, 2:09 pm

Can't even watch that anymore so boring puts me to sleep , no more excitement in it for the people who like to see the diversity , used to be fun to watch when you had Ford ,Dodge , Oldsmobile, Pontiac , Chevy vehicles and power plants you could relate to , now nothing but cookie cutter cars , and 1 engine type , oh wait a minute they have turned pro stock into a naturally aspirated type of all cars are the same including power plants just like funny car and top fuel , boring ! I'd rather see super stock and stock eliminator run at least you get a mix of all makes then . JMO .


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Pro stock Ford at Pomona Empty Re: Pro stock Ford at Pomona

Post  rmk57 February 9th 2019, 3:16 pm

I completely forgot about being able to run any engine in any body. It seems like the NHRA wants to kill off pro stock with a move like that. cant blame them really.


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Join date : 2010-05-29

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Pro stock Ford at Pomona Empty Re: Pro stock Ford at Pomona

Post  cobrakid8 February 9th 2019, 6:36 pm

He is running a DRCE motor in it.


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Location : Chattanooga, TN

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