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More taxes!!!!

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More taxes!!!! Empty More taxes!!!!

Post  2 wicked February 11th 2019, 5:08 pm

Just ordered some new coilovers shocks today from comp products, the guy told me they now have sales tax applied to all products. He said same with all mail order places- summit/jets etc. Gov goin to get more of our money one way, or the other. Racing just got a little more expensive!!! Sorry for the rant, cory

2 wicked

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More taxes!!!! Empty Re: More taxes!!!!

Post  Mike R February 11th 2019, 8:10 pm

It's been a long time coming, states want their piece Mad Evil or Very Mad Mad

Mike R

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More taxes!!!! Empty Re: More taxes!!!!

Post  Carl February 11th 2019, 8:32 pm

I tried to place a large order with RockAuto, and when I got to checkout they said they couldn't sell to me because the tax laws in my area are too complex, and they don't have enough accountants on staff to deal with it. Ended up buying the bare minimum to get the job done from the local parts store at twice the price plus tax, which I guess is what they want.

My state is being invaded and taken over by people who want to pay MORE taxes, so it's not likely to get any better any time soon. I just don't understand how the average American giving up 47% of their income to taxes isn't enough. Seems like they won't be happy until we're all back on the plantation. Free range slavery just isn't good enough.


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More taxes!!!! Empty Re: More taxes!!!!

Post  HorsinAround February 12th 2019, 10:15 am

I agree that it sucks but it is a reality now that the supreme court ruled on the South Dakota v Wayfair case. It levels the playing field a little with the brick and motor stores but, while I don't like it, I generally still save quite a bit by getting it online.
I hit the local box stores if I can't wait for the parts to arrive, or if the price is close to what I can get it online for.

Found this article online.

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More taxes!!!! Empty Re: More taxes!!!!

Post  Carl February 12th 2019, 11:42 am

HorsinAround wrote:I agree that it sucks but it is a reality now that the supreme court ruled on the South Dakota v Wayfair case. It levels the playing field a little with the brick and motor stores but, while I don't like it, I generally still save quite a bit by getting it online.
I hit the local box stores if I can't wait for the parts to arrive, or if the price is close to what I can get it online for.

Found this article online.

If the goal is to "level the playing field", why not eliminate sales tax for the brick and mortar stores?


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More taxes!!!! Empty Re: More taxes!!!!

Post  Wayne Pearce February 12th 2019, 3:32 pm

That would be "counter productive" to those collecting the tax.

Wayne (SAWDOFF) Pearce

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More taxes!!!! Empty Re: More taxes!!!!

Post  Carl February 12th 2019, 4:03 pm

Wayne Pearce wrote:That would be "counter productive" to those collecting the tax.

  Wayne (SAWDOFF) Pearce

Except for those in states without any sales tax, who are now being forced to collect and remit sales tax for other states/cities/countys.

The Supreme Court got it wrong on this one.  Seems to be a trend these days.


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