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Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations

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Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations Empty Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations

Post  wickettoby1 May 24th 2019, 10:50 am

What is everyone using for their fuel transportation needs?

I have a few of the older style 5 gallon Summit Racing utility jugs and I gotta say they've never impressed me. I see VP, Maxima, Sunoco, Jaz, ect..
brands out there I just don't know which ones are any good. I'm primarily looking in the 5-6 gallon region to carry pump fuel but any info would be good.




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Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations Empty Re: Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations

Post  stanger68 May 24th 2019, 7:01 pm

I have recycled the metal 5 gallon pails and have the plastic VP cans as well. the recycled metal cans work just as good if not better.


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Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations Empty Re: Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations

Post  Curt May 25th 2019, 1:46 am

Scribner is probably the best. Not a cheap Chinese copy.

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Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations Empty Re: Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations

Post  wickettoby1 May 25th 2019, 10:40 am

I believe the ones I have are a copy of the Scribners and I’ve never really been a fan of them.


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Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations Empty Re: Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations

Post  Curt May 25th 2019, 9:43 pm

wickettoby1 wrote:I believe the ones I have are a copy of the Scribners and I’ve never really been a fan of them.

Well, then maybe you should go to Lowes and by a gas can out of the lawnmower department.

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Age : 62
Location : Henrietta, Texas but mostly on the road

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Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations Empty Re: Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations

Post  Dave De May 26th 2019, 10:04 am

stanger68 wrote:I have recycled the metal 5 gallon pails and have the plastic VP cans as well. the recycled metal cans work just as good if not better.

I do this as well. You cant beat the price and they are plentiful at the tracks. I use E85 and don't need to use a funnel when filling the fuel cell. The VP plastic jugs are not as friendly to use so those are used for the boat now.

The new gas can designs are a good example of our government mandates at work. I have two them and spilled more gas with them than any other.
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Dave De

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Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations Empty Re: Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations

Post  rmcomprandy May 26th 2019, 10:58 am

I don't usually need to transport any fuel anymore as I no longer have a race car but, when I did ... I used the metal 5 gallon cans that used to be called "safety cans" which when you pushed the handle back and tilted the can it opened the spout and air valve automatically whenever that handle was activated. You can turn them on their side or even upside down and they won't leak a drop.

I use them to store lawn mower gas and "mixed" snow blower fuel, now.

I paid 40 bucks or so apiece for them in 1980.


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Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations Empty Re: Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations

Post  airford1 June 17th 2019, 11:22 am

Curt wrote:
wickettoby1 wrote:I believe the ones I have are a copy of the Scribners and I’ve never really been a fan of them.

Well, then maybe you should go to Lowes and by a gas can out of the lawnmower department.
No Good I hate mowing the Lawn.

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Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations Empty Re: Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations

Post  Doug Rahn June 17th 2019, 8:34 pm

Fuel Can/Jug Recommendations 7250130-lg_4
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