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F460 iron heads worth it?

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F460 iron heads worth it? Empty F460 iron heads worth it?

Post  pigs521bbf January 8th 2020, 12:19 am

Are the F460 heads worth the money over fully ported DOVE heads? F460 heads have not been ported yet. It’s going on 557 race engine. I’m limited to iron heads in my drag race class.


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F460 iron heads worth it? Empty Re: F460 iron heads worth it?

Post  c.evans January 12th 2020, 12:55 am

Yes, the F-460 heads will be worth it. Essentially they are a crossbred between a regular CJ iron combustion chamber and A-460 ports. They will require a lot of porting. There's multiple /optional intake manifold bolt hole locations. You have to figure out what you have.
Hope this helps,


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F460 iron heads worth it? Empty Re: F460 iron heads worth it?

Post  pigs521bbf January 12th 2020, 4:46 pm

Is it better to go with EX 514 heads instead? Or going with the f460 head due to the stock valve placement?


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F460 iron heads worth it? Empty Re: F460 iron heads worth it?

Post  rmcomprandy January 12th 2020, 9:23 pm

pigs521bbf wrote:Charlie,
Is it better to go with EX 514 heads instead? Or going with the f460 head due to the stock valve placement?

The EX heads, (if you can get a pair), are better for making power however, it really depends upon what your rules will allow.
A lot of associations don't allow them.


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F460 iron heads worth it? Empty Re: F460 iron heads worth it?

Post  c.evans January 14th 2020, 1:52 am

I agree with Randy. The EX514 iron heads are a true A-460 head and have better valve pierce point locations.


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F460 iron heads worth it? Empty Re: F460 iron heads worth it?

Post  pigs521bbf January 14th 2020, 11:23 pm

But if I cannot find a set of EX 514, a set of F460 heads ported will perform better than a fully ported DOVE on my 557?


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F460 iron heads worth it? Empty Re: F460 iron heads worth it?

Post  stanger68 January 14th 2020, 11:47 pm

Couldn't figure out how to copy the link on my phone here but go to the proven builds section and there is a sticky there with a lot of good data on cylinder heads. Well worth the read.


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F460 iron heads worth it? Empty Re: F460 iron heads worth it?

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