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Oil Capacity Question

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Oil Capacity Question Empty Oil Capacity Question

Post  stevesgarage January 22nd 2020, 8:32 pm

Looking for an answer on how to ACCURATELY mark the 'full' level on an aftermarket dipstick with a replacement dipstick tube in an aftermarket timing cover and using a Moroso 20614 7-quart oil pan.  I tried to get some clarity from Moroso and they told me basically, "Yep it's 7 quarts plus the filter".  Shocked  Is that telling me to put 7 qts. in a freshly built engine with an empty oil filter, prime the oil system, run the motor and then mark that level on the dipstick as 'full'.?  What exactly does 'plus the filter' mean?  Add some for the filter after the 7 qts.?  The 7 quarts takes care of the filter?  Question  I'm thinking that for ANY 385 series engine irregardless of the oil pan capacity or sump location there is one proper level.  My question boils down to where is that level and how do I get that marked on the dipstick????

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Age : 79
Location : So Cal - Wildomar

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Oil Capacity Question Empty Re: Oil Capacity Question

Post  BBFTorino January 22nd 2020, 11:56 pm

"7 quarts, plus the filter" means the full 7 quarts in the pan.....whatever the oil filter holds is in addition to the total capacity, generally a standard size filter holds a quart by itself.


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Oil Capacity Question Empty Re: Oil Capacity Question

Post  stevesgarage January 23rd 2020, 2:30 am

Okay, thanks BBF Torino, I get it!  I suppose I'm overthinking this, like I do everything else, and I should just dump 8 quarts in the thing and call it GOOD.  Prime the oil system, run it, shut down and mark the dipstick.  That's going to be hard for me, I may have to talk it over with my therapist, but I''l get past it somehow.  Laughing (I've got $o much tied up in thi$ build, approaching the moment of truth i$ a bit $cary.)

Posts : 54
Join date : 2017-10-19
Age : 79
Location : So Cal - Wildomar

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Oil Capacity Question Empty Re: Oil Capacity Question

Post  rmcomprandy January 23rd 2020, 10:09 am

stevesgarage wrote: I get it!  I suppose I'm overthinking this, like I do everything else, and I should just dump 8 quarts in the thing and call it GOOD.  Prime the oil system, run it, shut down and mark the dipstick.  

Sounds like a good plan.


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Location : Roseville, Michigan

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