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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer. Empty Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

Post  the tree man February 26th 2020, 1:55 pm

I can't find a part number for a speedy sleeve to repair a grooved damper spacer.The closest one I found is a Pioneer HB3124 but there are conflicting dimensions on different sites.Anybody have a number for one they know fits?Thanks.
the tree man
the tree man

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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer. Empty Re: Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

Post  69F100 February 27th 2020, 7:13 am

NAPA autoparts carries the sleeves here for them you might try a local autoparts store see what they carry

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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer. Empty Re: Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

Post  rmcomprandy February 27th 2020, 10:19 am

the tree man wrote:I can't find a part number for a speedy sleeve to repair a grooved damper spacer.The closest one I found is a Pioneer HB3124 but there are conflicting dimensions on different sites.Anybody have a number for one they know fits?Thanks.

A 460 Ford spacer will use the same one as any small block Ford engine.


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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer. Empty Re: Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

Post  the tree man February 27th 2020, 12:47 pm

I hate when simple stuff turns stupid.NAPA here does not have them.Went to my bearing guy first but he only had one a bit too small,one a bit too big and nothing to fill the between dimension of the spacer.Plus they were $40!I picked up a National (same part number for Timken 88187) for $25 at the local auto parts jobber I deal with and it's very small.It is the part number listed for all the Fords but states on the box 1.872-1.878 and my spacer measures 1.896.I'll try boiling it and see if it gets closer but sure feels like it will split and I hate to waste 25 bucks.I put the feelers out for a good,used replacement spacer locally.This only chewed up about 6 hours and 20 bucks in far.
the tree man
the tree man

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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer. Empty Re: Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

Post  airford1 February 27th 2020, 4:36 pm

Summit Racing Part Number:FEL-16213 try this

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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer. Empty Re: Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

Post  the tree man February 27th 2020, 6:18 pm

That Fel-Pro specs out for shaft size 1.875,same as the National I have so I'm going to freeze the spacer,pour some heat to the sleeve and start pushing.Enough already.
the tree man
the tree man

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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer. Empty Re: Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

Post  the tree man February 27th 2020, 11:43 pm

Have to come clean.That turd had been leaking for awhile and the damper was a gooey mess.I plopped it on the bench,cleaned a couple small spots to measure it and that was that.Cleaned it properly this eve to do the sleeve install and saw there was already a sleeve on it.Feeling a bit dense.Thanks anyway.
the tree man
the tree man

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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer. Empty Re: Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

Post  rmcomprandy February 29th 2020, 11:31 am

the tree man wrote:That Fel-Pro specs out for shaft size 1.875,same as the National I have so I'm going to freeze the spacer,pour some heat to the sleeve and start pushing.Enough already.

Why not make the spacer O.D. be, what it is supposed to be...?


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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer. Empty Re: Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

Post  airford1 February 29th 2020, 11:55 am

the tree man wrote:Have to come clean.That turd had been leaking for awhile and the damper was a gooey mess.I plopped it on the bench,cleaned a couple small spots to measure it and that was that.Cleaned it properly this eve to do the sleeve install and saw there was already a sleeve on it.Feeling a bit dense.Thanks anyway.
I hate it when that happens.

Posts : 192
Join date : 2009-10-15

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Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer. Empty Re: Repair sleeve for 460 balancer spacer.

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