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motorpsort block sleeve thickness

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motorpsort block sleeve thickness Empty motorpsort block sleeve thickness

Post  hbstang May 6th 2020, 1:22 pm

i have an older B-460 block.the current bore is 4.420,and it has 2 sleeves that are approx .100 thick on the wall.the other cylinders check .300 thick on the walls.i dont see any damage looking thru the freeze plug question is can this be bored to 4.500 dia,and the sleeves would be .060 wall thickness?that still leaves approx .200 on the wall thickness beyond the sleeves.also,if the bores with the sleeves are 4.620 dia and they have no damage and will clean up ok,can the rest of the block be bored to 4.620?
and what is a safe minimum wall thickness for 1100-1200 hp?

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motorpsort block sleeve thickness Empty Re: motorpsort block sleeve thickness

Post  rmcomprandy May 6th 2020, 10:49 pm

hbstang wrote:i have an older B-460 block.the current bore is 4.420,and it has 2 sleeves that are approx .100 thick on the wall.the other cylinders check .300 thick on the walls.i dont see any damage looking thru the freeze plug question is can this be bored to 4.500 dia,and the sleeves would be .060 wall thickness?that still leaves approx .200 on the wall thickness beyond the sleeves.also,if the bores with the sleeves are 4.620 dia and they have no damage and will clean up ok,can the rest of the block be bored to 4.620?
and what is a safe minimum wall thickness for 1100-1200 hp?

As long as there is solid material behind the sleeves and they were installed with the correct press, there will be no issue at .060" wall thickness..


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motorpsort block sleeve thickness Empty wall thickness

Post  hbstang May 7th 2020, 11:35 am

and what about wall thickness at 4.620?is .200 safe for a NA engine?

Posts : 362
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Location : socal

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