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530ci build

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530ci build Empty 530ci build

Post  Ford466 June 1st 2020, 10:49 pm

Hi I am curious what aluminum heads would support 1200- 1300 hp in a 530ci truck pulling class? I currently run in a smaller pulling class with iron dove heads but am considering going up a class. Thanks for any input


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530ci build Empty Re: 530ci build

Post  rmcomprandy June 2nd 2020, 12:35 am

Ford466 wrote:Hi I am curious what aluminum heads would support 1200- 1300 hp in a 530ci truck pulling class? I currently run in a smaller pulling class with iron dove heads but am considering going up a class. Thanks for any input

To make that kind of horsepower with that size engine would require a high RPM level so, something short stroke with a big bore and probably a "C" head or better.


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Location : Roseville, Michigan

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530ci build Empty Re: 530ci build

Post  c.evans June 2nd 2020, 1:18 am

What Randy said,,,,plus a full set of titanium valves, shaft mount rockers, dry sump, vacuum pump and etc. It takes a big budget to make that power in truck pulling. Plus you have to sustain WOT for about 15 to 18 seconds.


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530ci build Empty Re: 530ci build

Post  rmcomprandy June 2nd 2020, 10:19 am

c.evans wrote:What Randy said,,,,plus a full set of titanium valves, shaft mount rockers, dry sump, vacuum pump and etc.  It takes a big budget to make that power in truck pulling. Plus you have to sustain WOT for about 15 to 18 seconds.

YES ... you are basically building a 1990's "Pro Stock" engine.


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Location : Roseville, Michigan

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530ci build Empty Re: 530ci build

Post  Ford466 June 4th 2020, 9:19 pm

Thanks for the replies, maybe I will stay in my class looking at the cost of parts it is not in my budget to go up a class just yet. How much work would it take to get my dove heads to make me 850 hp I dont know if it's possible but am just curious, I currently have a little over 750 hp.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2020-05-28

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530ci build Empty Re: 530ci build

Post  rmcomprandy June 5th 2020, 11:19 am

Ford466 wrote:Thanks for the replies, maybe I will stay in my class looking at the cost of parts it is not in my budget to go up a class just yet. How much work would it take to get my dove heads to make me 850 hp I dont know if it's possible but am just curious, I currently have a little over 750 hp.

I have seen a little above 750 with a 429 and  9,000 RPM but, not 850 HP.

Somebody will probably get there some day. The issue is that not many people have tried with a D0VE head.


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Location : Roseville, Michigan

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530ci build Empty Re: 530ci build

Post  gt350hr June 5th 2020, 1:09 pm

Randy ,
      What is the potential of the Eliminator iron head or the super rare Blue Thunder iron head made in the past I have only heard about but never seen?


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530ci build Empty Re: 530ci build

Post  rmcomprandy June 5th 2020, 5:26 pm

gt350hr wrote:Randy ,
      What is the potential of the Eliminator iron head or the super rare Blue Thunder iron head made in the past I have only heard about but never seen?

I have no personal experience with the Eliminator head but, the Blue Thunder and even the Iron Cobra Jet can get there.


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Location : Roseville, Michigan

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