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Block deck dropped .002?

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Block deck dropped .002? Empty Block deck dropped .002?

Post  ED468 December 23rd 2020, 10:39 am

Can 700-750 hp with solid mounts effect the blocks deck a couple thousand in center? It's right above the drivers side motor mount. Got to check cylinders next, that might show what else was moving. Held the gasket ok., just found while going over everything That the middle of deck dropped a couple thou. Being on a engine stand for yrs probably didnt help. Mains and cleareances check fine and crank spins free while checking mock up. Guess I'll deck it and never no probably, going Cometic Gasket this time:}.  Any Ideas what causes this, deck was cut with only a couple yrs. run time on it. I'm going to run a strap this time.

Last edited by ED468 on December 23rd 2020, 3:26 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Grammar)


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Location : Maunie il.

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Block deck dropped .002? Empty Re: Block deck dropped .002?

Post  stanger68 December 23rd 2020, 1:18 pm

Your question is in the post title block. It doesn't fit so its cut off. You need to edit the post so the question is in the post body not title block.


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Block deck dropped .002? Empty Re: Block deck dropped .002?

Post  Dave De December 23rd 2020, 2:01 pm

I cant imagine any block being that flimsy... I run an A460 block with 3 bolts in each side engine mount.
Dave De
Dave De

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Block deck dropped .002? Empty Re: Block deck dropped .002?

Post  dfree383 December 26th 2020, 1:15 pm

Measuring in the winter ?

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Block deck dropped .002? Empty Re: Block deck dropped .002?

Post  Busted Knuckles December 27th 2020, 8:45 am

Wasn't flat and square to begin with...get 'er done and send it!

Busted Knuckles

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Block deck dropped .002? Empty Re: Block deck dropped .002?

Post  ED468 December 30th 2020, 3:05 am

My friend has a insulated and heated shop, both straight edge and block was same temp, but doubt it matters on the straight edge . Just curiuos why it dropped was 0 decked. Going to cut .003 off both sides. Going to measure bores around it as well.


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Location : Maunie il.

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Block deck dropped .002? Empty Re: Block deck dropped .002?

Post  gt350hr December 30th 2020, 5:13 pm

I don't see that as possible and "IF" it did , it would only be on the lower portion of the block , not up by the lifter valley. Bob Glidden (rip) said he didn't like engine stands because the bellhousing flange would distort. I just check a 521 hanging on an engine stand and found it to be more true the one I just pulled out of a Lincoln for the first time! Bob was FAR smarter than I will ever be BUT my experience in this case is different.


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Block deck dropped .002? Empty Re: Block deck dropped .002?

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