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Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads?

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Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads? Empty Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads?

Post  manofmerc April 14th 2021, 3:13 pm

Like the title says .When I installed these afrs I placed my victor on the engine it fit perfectly except #3 And #7 had a pretty bad mismatch .I purchased the afr intake and it fit great and naturally the ports were in perfect alignment.With the afr intake the ports in the intake are noticeably smaller than my 280 heads .Probably 3/32" all around .Maybe this is the reason it picked up a solid tenth in the 60 ft.That and the smaller intake port volume than my edelbrocks .From all the information I can find the edelbrock victor 460 is great out of the box .So you all know what I am getting at .Will it fit and does the port mismatch matter from the victor to the afr heads afr says it will but their intake is 10 hp better.Just curios before I do this swap .By the way these are 4150 style intakes afro


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Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads? Empty Re: Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads?

Post  wickettoby1 April 14th 2021, 10:31 pm

Why not port match the AFR intake to the AFR cylinder head? That’s what I did on my 547.


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Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads? Empty Re: Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads?

Post  manofmerc April 15th 2021, 5:13 am

Wicketboy that's what I am considering .I have this victor and am curious if it is better than the AFR intake .Just asking if someone has ran a victor with their AFRs and the result .I showed a machinist buddy the mismatch on the AFR intake and he said leave it alone .


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Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads? Empty Re: Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads?

Post  dfree383 April 15th 2021, 6:19 am

Ask Charlie I believe he did some testing and the AFR intake wasn't very good

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Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads? Empty Re: Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads?

Post  manofmerc April 15th 2021, 7:06 pm

You know that is why I am thinking about swapping this victor I have on the afr engine .I have never heard any bad talk about an Edelbrock victor 460 intake .Before this year is over I believe I will swap these intakes regardless of the port mismatch.I am wanting some feedback from someone with prior experience .Maybe Charlie will see my posting .Thanks everyone !Doug


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Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads? Empty Re: Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads?

Post  wickettoby1 April 15th 2021, 10:37 pm

It would be interesting to see an out of the box back to back to back with the AFR, Victor and TFS.


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Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads? Empty Re: Has anybody used a victor intake with the afr heads?

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