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my brother got his first win in his new mustang 12.50 index !

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my brother got his first win in his new mustang 12.50 index ! Empty my brother got his first win in his new mustang 12.50 index !

Post  5pointslow April 23rd 2021, 11:31 am

Like to give my older brother Jay a shout out , he is always at race track helping out with anything and has not missed a race i have entered in . More or less the crew chief of my operation
helping with choices how to set the car up for the index and watching the DA

So last weekend after i was knocked out in the semi finals , he went on in his mustang in 12.50 index to the finals and won .
Really happy for him as he got the spotlight on him that day . Pretty cool he drove it to the track 2 hours each way

It been as fast as 11.90s-12.00 range and its pretty much stock other than the wheels
its impressive these new car with the 10 speed and how fast


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Join date : 2009-10-11
Age : 35

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my brother got his first win in his new mustang 12.50 index ! Empty Re: my brother got his first win in his new mustang 12.50 index !

Post  jasonf April 26th 2021, 9:24 am

A win is always nice!!

Posts : 2994
Join date : 2009-07-14
Age : 55
Location : Lafayette, LA

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