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Removing TFS inner valve springs to break in Comp camshaft.

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Removing TFS inner valve springs to break in Comp camshaft. Empty Removing TFS inner valve springs to break in Comp camshaft.

Post  57pickupUK August 9th 2021, 2:52 pm

Hi from England.

We're building a 460 with TFS Power Port heads (with 'inside' valve spring locators) and a Comp XE274H camshaft. Comp calls for us to remove the inner valve springs when breaking in the camshaft however, without the inner spring the bottom of the outer spring is no longer held secure and centralised. Is it safe to run the engine in that condition at around 2500 rpm for 30 minutes?



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Removing TFS inner valve springs to break in Comp camshaft. Empty Re: Removing TFS inner valve springs to break in Comp camshaft.

Post  rmcomprandy August 9th 2021, 7:08 pm

57pickupUK wrote:Hi from England.

We're building a 460 with TFS Power Port heads (with 'inside' valve spring locators) and a Comp XE274H camshaft.  Comp calls for us to remove the inner valve springs when breaking in the camshaft however, without the inner spring the bottom of the outer spring is no longer held secure and centralised.  Is it safe to run the engine in that condition at around 2500 rpm for 30 minutes?


That won't be an issue with break-in; remove the inners.


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Location : Roseville, Michigan

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Removing TFS inner valve springs to break in Comp camshaft. Empty Re: Removing TFS inner valve springs to break in Comp camshaft.

Post  57pickupUK August 10th 2021, 4:10 pm

Thanks for your reply, RM.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2019-05-30

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Removing TFS inner valve springs to break in Comp camshaft. Empty Re: Removing TFS inner valve springs to break in Comp camshaft.

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