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521 SR71 spark plug recommendation

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521 SR71 spark plug recommendation  Empty 521 SR71 spark plug recommendation

Post  FastFlats November 13th 2021, 11:39 am

Hello all been a while since I’ve been on the site and had to create a new login. In the process of building a 521 with a set of SR71 heads and 13:1 compression for a drag boat and could use a spark plug recommendation. Thanks for your help.521 SR71 spark plug recommendation  64148510


Posts : 7
Join date : 2021-09-27

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521 SR71 spark plug recommendation  Empty Re: 521 SR71 spark plug recommendation

Post  Dave De November 14th 2021, 10:49 pm

NGK R5671A-8
Dave De
Dave De

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Location : Highland, MI

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521 SR71 spark plug recommendation  Empty Re: 521 SR71 spark plug recommendation

Post  wickettoby1 November 16th 2021, 5:16 pm

How do you sit down with balls that big? 😂
My neighbor has a jet boat that does 96mph in 660ft, every time he asks if I’d like a ride I tell him nope.....I’m good


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521 SR71 spark plug recommendation  Empty Re: 521 SR71 spark plug recommendation

Post  FastFlats November 16th 2021, 8:17 pm

It’s a fun ride for sure, a whole different ball game than a car. We run 102-103mph in 800 ft and 105mph in 1000 ft.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2021-09-27

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521 SR71 spark plug recommendation  Empty Re: 521 SR71 spark plug recommendation

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