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Am I getting what I'm paying for?

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Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Empty Am I getting what I'm paying for?

Post  Bill February 21st 2022, 12:12 pm

Howdy from Texas,
I want to start by apologizing if this question has been asked before, I don’t have the time to scour the forum for an answer and I need one FAST.
I am looking at buying a 1979 F250 Highboy Supercab.
The seller (who is a truck outfitter, but is NOT an engine mechanic) took the truck in trade from a customer.

The customer said the original engine was replaced “recently” with a 429 Cobra Super Jet and only has 1500 miles on the rebuilt engine. The engine’s serial number is:

I know next to nothing about this type of engine, but a basic internet search has the engine serial number coming back as:
D1: 1971
V: Lincoln
E: Engine

What suggestions do ya’ll have for me? How do I confirm or deny the engine is what he says it is?

I have looked at every Ford “Part Number” chart and reference I could find online. Any help would be appreciated.


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Join date : 2022-02-21

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Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Empty Re: Am I getting what I'm paying for?

Post  gt350hr February 21st 2022, 12:23 pm

Look for the head casting number just below the valve cover ( which should be finned aluminum) for DOOE-R . That will tell you you at least have CJ/SCJ heads.


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Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Empty Thank you VERY much fr the feedback

Post  Bill February 21st 2022, 12:26 pm

gt350hr wrote:   Look for the head casting number just below the valve cover ( which should be finned aluminum) for DOOE-R . That will tell you you at least have CJ/SCJ heads.

I appreciate the help!!


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Join date : 2022-02-21

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Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Empty DIAE-9C485-RA

Post  Bill February 21st 2022, 12:36 pm

gt350hr wrote:   Look for the head casting number just below the valve cover ( which should be finned aluminum) for DOOE-R . That will tell you you at least have CJ/SCJ heads.

Is this what you are referring too?

Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Serial10
Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Engine10


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Join date : 2022-02-21

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Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Empty Re: Am I getting what I'm paying for?

Post  QtrWarrior February 21st 2022, 1:15 pm

Bill wrote:
gt350hr wrote:   Look for the head casting number just below the valve cover ( which should be finned aluminum) for DOOE-R . That will tell you you at least have CJ/SCJ heads.

Is this what you are referring too?

Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Serial10
Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Engine10

No, The Head Casting # is not on a decal..
It is similar to the numbers in the lower photo, cast on the head...

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Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Empty Re: Am I getting what I'm paying for?

Post  wickettoby1 February 21st 2022, 6:08 pm

Look above the exhaust port for the cylinder head casting #


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Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Empty Re: Am I getting what I'm paying for?

Post  rmk57 February 21st 2022, 6:21 pm

Am I getting what I'm paying for?  UgX3AE7


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Am I getting what I'm paying for?  Empty Re: Am I getting what I'm paying for?

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