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Crank trigger and DIS

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Crank trigger and DIS Empty Crank trigger and DIS

Post  Slowride June 7th 2022, 1:13 pm

Now that I'm moving back to the engine, I started thinking about ignition. Yes I could go with a distributor and ign box, but like to try new things so....
My idea is go crank trigger for a rock solid timing. Want to go LS style coils and a DIS box for tuning. From Holley, the DIS (60153MSD) requires a crank and cam signal from their dual sync distributor, but don't know a few key pieces of info. Can the DIS work with only a crank signal or can the sensor be jumped to mimic a cam signal as well? I don't yet know what wave form is required from each sensor/input, just wondering if anyone has done something similar?


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Crank trigger and DIS Empty Re: Crank trigger and DIS

Post  rmcomprandy June 8th 2022, 10:32 am

Slowride wrote:Now that I'm moving back to the engine, I started thinking about ignition. Yes I could go with a distributor and ign box, but like to try new things so....
My idea is go crank trigger for a rock solid timing. Want to go LS style coils and a DIS box for tuning. From Holley, the DIS (60153MSD) requires a crank and cam signal from their dual sync distributor, but don't know a few key pieces of info. Can the DIS work with only a crank signal or can the sensor be jumped to mimic a cam signal as well? I don't yet know what wave form is required from each sensor/input, just wondering if anyone has done something similar?

It needs to have a way to find the number 1 cylinder; there are many ways to do that in the software or hardware so, it will be determined by whatever entire system type is being used.


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Crank trigger and DIS Empty Re: Crank trigger and DIS

Post  Slowride June 8th 2022, 10:39 pm

MSD has a "dual sync" distributor that provides both a "crank" and cam signal. I'm interested in that concept with a crank trigger and eliminating a distributor.


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Crank trigger and DIS Empty Re: Crank trigger and DIS

Post  rmcomprandy June 9th 2022, 10:05 am

Slowride wrote:MSD has a "dual sync" distributor that provides both a "crank" and cam signal. I'm interested in that concept with a crank trigger and eliminating a distributor.

Then you will need to have a separate camshaft sensor for finding number 1 cylinder somewhere in the system.


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Join date : 2008-12-02
Location : Roseville, Michigan

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Crank trigger and DIS Empty Re: Crank trigger and DIS

Post  Slowride June 9th 2022, 8:24 pm

I have 2 options... one that far more effort than it's probably worth and another off-the-shelf from MSD.
The MSD DIS box requires a hall effect cam sensor which I COULD add to the crank trigger by figuring out how many degrees BTDC the box requires and build an adjustable mount and sensor off the crank.
I'm not at that point of experimentation, so will probably go with the MSD 85211 distributor plug with cam sensor and a crank trigger with a hall effect sensor. The cool thing about the 6015 MSD box is I can go coil-over-plug AND set my advance curve (and other features) with the laptop. I'm starting out with a 1050 dominator, but this supports EFI if I chose to go that way in the future.


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Join date : 2017-11-08

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Crank trigger and DIS Empty Re: Crank trigger and DIS

Post  rmcomprandy June 10th 2022, 12:15 am

Slowride wrote:I have 2 options... one that far more effort than it's probably worth and another off-the-shelf from MSD.
The MSD DIS box requires a hall effect cam sensor which I COULD add to the crank trigger by figuring out how many degrees BTDC the box requires and build an adjustable mount and sensor off the crank.
I'm not at that point of experimentation, so will probably go with the MSD 85211 distributor plug with cam sensor and a crank trigger with a hall effect sensor. The cool thing about the 6015 MSD box is I can go coil-over-plug AND set my advance curve (and other features) with the laptop. I'm starting out with a 1050 dominator, but this supports EFI if I chose to go that way in the future.

If you do it off the crank it will have "4 cylinder sequential", then 1 and 6 will fire at the same time. You could "sequential 4", using a maverick, (wasted spark).


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Crank trigger and DIS Empty Re: Crank trigger and DIS

Post  sandvipr June 15th 2022, 10:56 am

I'm running the Holley/MSD dual sync dizzy and LS coils on mine. While there is still the lower portion of the dizzy, the black aluminum cap definitely cleans things up and looks pretty trick. It's also the easiest way to accomplish what you are trying to do.

Just a word of caution: If you go that route, don't spend a bunch of money on ultra-low resistance wires- spark induction can jump and create all kinds of havoc (don't ask me how I know). Make sure you run Fire Core wires (or GM wires if they are long enough for your set-up). Less money then some of the others and it has the correct amount of resistance required for things to operate correctly.

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Crank trigger and DIS Empty Re: Crank trigger and DIS

Post  Slowride June 30th 2022, 11:23 pm

Decided to go DIS and dual sync (no hall effect crank triggers for a decent price). Parts have started arriving, so first decision to make is exactly where to  mount them on the valve covers.Crank trigger and DIS Coil111
Crank trigger and DIS Coil211


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Join date : 2017-11-08

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