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****Sapiens: The Subconscious Psychological Masses Electric Paper

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****Sapiens: The Subconscious Psychological Masses Electric Paper Empty ****Sapiens: The Subconscious Psychological Masses Electric Paper

Post  supervel45 July 17th 2022, 5:05 am

This caught my attention on YB.

What would you assume the four **** before Sapiens in the tittle are covered over?
It was late when I saw it and it took a couple of minutes for me to click do to the subject of the topic thinking it might be something else like an Ancient Religion.

Looked it up in a 60's dictionary and it confirmed my first though.

Anyways I thought this is the ultimate way to explain how censoring works just by redefining Words and Their Meanings over a long time without leaving any trace later with electric paper makes the Ultimate tool for mind control and steering of the masses, without burning, destroying or removing all previous writings everywhere.

The four ****in front Sapiens has to do with all human life, just as much as defining male female and man or woman along with children and babies pregnant Sapiens and all Human LIFE!

So I looked up what I first though it was in the old dictionary and the last word used as example was MANKIND in capitol letters.

If you have or can get an old Webster's Dictionary, Collegiate if possible , look up the word with what you thought was censored.

I did not Google it and don't care what it says now. It may have been different before and I could never KNOW.

It could Completely change in the Future with a Trace, IF someone or some People got together with enough POWER to Do SO.

I may or may not try to explain any further Because it is very hard to put into words and requires pause and some quiet time deep Thought.

I have also looked for a long time { over a Decade } for a way to put it into words, and when I saw the YB Thread it finally Clicked in my mind, that this is the perfect time, because of the National and World debates of it all.

PS: The First time I have seen this form of censorship used was in early 2021 across the web, and the first time it was done on threads going back at least a Decade Old.

Post# 127


Last edited by supervel45 on July 17th 2022, 6:16 am; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 4502
Join date : 2013-09-04

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****Sapiens: The Subconscious Psychological Masses Electric Paper Empty Re: ****Sapiens: The Subconscious Psychological Masses Electric Paper

Post  supervel45 July 17th 2022, 6:05 am

If the FOUR**** are dropped from Sapiens and replaced with ***** censor dots and the alphabet used in the new five letter prefix {The one I suspect} in the future, and make it stick, It would be a World Game Changer.

The Four letter prefix is widely known now to almost everyone. If you guess it correctly you will likely be mocked by low IQ people, especially young and not well educated.

GO for IT. The Four Letter one that is. I was brave so don't hold back. LoL

I can hear the Jokes now, and the Five Letter one will Sting to., Should have put it in the Moring Funys. Oh Hell I only Like A NATURAL BORN WOMAN. So it's all Good.

^^^ For Future Reference ^^^


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****Sapiens: The Subconscious Psychological Masses Electric Paper Empty Re: ****Sapiens: The Subconscious Psychological Masses Electric Paper

Post  supervel45 May 23rd 2023, 3:01 am

Interesting what this joker said at 13:40 about AI and Genders.


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Join date : 2013-09-04

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