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Chines Bio/DNA/AI and What's Going on and Not Discussed Much

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Chines Bio/DNA/AI and What's Going on and Not Discussed Much Empty Chines Bio/DNA/AI and What's Going on and Not Discussed Much

Post  supervel45 July 29th 2022, 4:06 am

If you have the time and or inclination. Should be a week long series on US TV but the advertisers would likely kill it or not even let it begin? Also has major military ramifications, now and more so in the future.


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Join date : 2013-09-04

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Chines Bio/DNA/AI and What's Going on and Not Discussed Much Empty Re: Chines Bio/DNA/AI and What's Going on and Not Discussed Much

Post  supervel45 July 25th 2023, 11:14 pm

The Last paragraph of the below link ( last in this post ) is pretty Heavy.

Diversified comes to mind as a good thing in Finaces as well as connection to Unverified strangers ect.

Giving up biological atomicity data, yes that word is what I meant, willy nilly is not a good idea either in todays world for many reasons.

This is the main link I am speaking of.


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Chines Bio/DNA/AI and What's Going on and Not Discussed Much Empty Re: Chines Bio/DNA/AI and What's Going on and Not Discussed Much

Post  supervel45 September 10th 2023, 6:58 pm

People Keeping Up Have Seen This Shaping Up Since The Turn of The Century In Rapid Advancement.



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Join date : 2013-09-04

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