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fill o ring grooves in block

Scott Foxwell
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fill o ring grooves in block Empty fill o ring grooves in block

Post  Kobelco November 1st 2022, 8:15 pm

So the cylinder O ring grooves in this block I purchased were cut oversized and over lapping. So instead of messing around with them I am going to Cometic.
Fill in grooves with? block will then be surfaced.


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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  rmcomprandy November 1st 2022, 8:34 pm

Kobelco wrote:So the cylinder O ring grooves in this block I purchased were cut oversized and over lapping. So instead of messing around with them I am going to Cometic.
Fill in grooves with?   block will then be surfaced.  

I have used J-B Weld epoxy, (24 hour version), for doing that because you can finish it all with just a hand body-board & sandpaper and not need to deck the block ...


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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  Kobelco November 1st 2022, 8:54 pm

It needs surfacing, so my idea is to mix JB weld (classic version of it) with real fine boring bar shavings to strengthen it. Fill grooves then surface it in Sunnen what ever the machine shop has w CBN after I file down high spots with rough cut file. Let JB weld dry for days before doing anything with it.


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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  Scott Foxwell November 1st 2022, 9:05 pm

I've run gaskets right over open o-ring grooves. Granted, they were composite...not sure how the MLS would react but guys used to do that on purpose to help "grip" the gasket. I don't see what filling the groove is going to accomplish.

Scott Foxwell

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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  dfree383 November 2nd 2022, 7:13 am

Scott Foxwell wrote:I've run gaskets right over open o-ring grooves. Granted, they were composite...not sure how the MLS would react but guys used to do that on purpose to help "grip" the gasket. I don't see what filling the groove is going to accomplish.

As long as the fire ring has enough contact area I’d agree but not knowing the bore, groove diameter and gasket diameter I’d be cautious

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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  lance flake November 2nd 2022, 11:13 am

I have filled them with the copper wire then filed/sanded the copper down flat without resurfacing the block. This worked really well.

lance flake

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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  Scott Foxwell November 2nd 2022, 12:35 pm

dfree383 wrote:
Scott Foxwell wrote:I've run gaskets right over open o-ring grooves. Granted, they were composite...not sure how the MLS would react but guys used to do that on purpose to help "grip" the gasket. I don't see what filling the groove is going to accomplish.

As long as the fire ring has enough contact area I’d agree but not knowing the bore, groove diameter and gasket diameter I’d be cautious

With BB Chev the gaskets are seldom round...had the fire ring cross right over the g roove. Never been an issue. Not sure what the concern is. If the groove was open on one end it might cause a leak but it's not. If cyl pressure gets into the groove, it really can't go anywhere.

Scott Foxwell

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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  Kobelco November 2nd 2022, 2:00 pm

Any issue with the surfacer cutting the JB weld?


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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  dfree383 November 2nd 2022, 3:40 pm

Scott Foxwell wrote:
dfree383 wrote:
Scott Foxwell wrote:I've run gaskets right over open o-ring grooves. Granted, they were composite...not sure how the MLS would react but guys used to do that on purpose to help "grip" the gasket. I don't see what filling the groove is going to accomplish.

As long as the fire ring has enough contact area I’d agree but not knowing the bore, groove diameter and gasket diameter I’d be cautious

With BB Chev the gaskets are seldom round...had the fire ring cross right over the g roove. Never been an issue. Not sure what the concern is. If the groove was open on one end it might cause a leak but it's not. If cyl pressure gets into the groove, it really can't go anywhere.

I’d be more worried about it finding a place to burn thru

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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  Paul Kane November 3rd 2022, 12:07 pm

lance flake wrote:I have filled them with the copper wire then filed/sanded the copper down flat without resurfacing the block. This worked really well.
This is the most common (and most tried-and-true) method used over the decades.  It is also readily reversible with the least amount of effort.  And no decking necessary when the deck doesn't require it.
Paul Kane
Paul Kane

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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  BigDave65 November 15th 2022, 8:59 pm

My block was o-ringed. The machine shop just hammered in the wires really good, and took a skim cut of the deck to clean it up. Worked out great.

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fill o ring grooves in block Empty Re: fill o ring grooves in block

Post  FDB November 15th 2022, 9:13 pm

lance flake wrote:I have filled them with the copper wire then filed/sanded the copper down flat without resurfacing the block. This worked really well.

As long as the fire ring of the Cometic gasket does not cross the copper wire you will be OK without filling or sanding. The copper is soft and just flatten out.


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