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So Cartel Cops Legal in California Now

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So Cartel Cops Legal in California Now Empty So Cartel Cops Legal in California Now

Post  supervel45 January 12th 2023, 8:56 pm

BLM gonna be Mad, LoL.

Who didn't see this coming?


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Join date : 2013-09-04

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So Cartel Cops Legal in California Now Empty Re: So Cartel Cops Legal in California Now

Post  supervel45 July 25th 2023, 8:30 pm

This One was South of the Texas Border.

We already have enough concerns/problems about infiltration of Offical Forces in the Border Towns as it is with Smugglers, and Abductions ect.!

Bad Idea's are just that and put everyone in Grave Danger.

Many Gringo's around here are well aware of going too far South, Lilly Whites in the Bigger Cities Not so Much.


Posts : 4497
Join date : 2013-09-04

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