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C6 filled tube plug

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C6 filled tube plug Empty C6 filled tube plug

Post  torinojoe February 22nd 2023, 6:05 pm

I've got a c6 that's freshly been built (reverse valve body, rollerized etc.) and it has maybe 200 feet on it .The trans has fresh redline fluid in it and was wondering what to use for the filler tube plug because I want to change the converter and don't want to lose the fluid  or bathe in it! If someone knows what to use of what they ship with it in the fillertube it would be much appreciated. !


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Join date : 2016-09-09

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C6 filled tube plug Empty filler tube

Post  hbstang April 12th 2023, 10:55 am

i think you mean the dip stick tube?if you have a trans pan on it with a draian plug,i would drain a little into a clean bucket and pull the dipstick tube and replacethe convertor.if no drain plug,use the bucket and just pull the dipstick and let it drain a little.i dont think you will get that much out.

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