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Solid Roller Cam repairs

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Solid Roller Cam repairs Empty Solid Roller Cam repairs

Post  maverick532 March 30th 2023, 1:53 pm

I have a couple of older solid roller cams I need repaired they are old Crane grinds who is best to contact and send to for repairs ? I also want to have them dual pinned .


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Join date : 2010-11-25
Age : 62
Location : orlando fla.

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Solid Roller Cam repairs Empty Re: Solid Roller Cam repairs

Post  supervel45 March 30th 2023, 8:12 pm

Might try this guy if you need a lobe welded, if they are still open. Mike Jones may, or know someone, who does also.

Before roller cams doubled in price to 5 bills and got hard to come buy it was not very cost effective and reserved to antique cars.


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Join date : 2013-09-04

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