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Pulling timing at launch

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Pulling timing at launch Empty Pulling timing at launch

Post  Dave De September 8th 2023, 7:55 am

I currently have a 6AL with a 2-step and want to pull timing on a ramp at launch for consistency with bracket racing. It looks like I need to go to a Digital 7 Plus to do that, MSD 7531. Those that are using this feature,how do you like it? Do I really need a crank trigger over my MSD distributor and is the slew feature good to use?
Dave De
Dave De

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Pulling timing at launch Empty timing

Post  hbstang September 9th 2023, 10:28 pm

thats what a lot of racers do with the msd can be used with the msd will have to use a cable to connect to the grid and a laptop.

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Pulling timing at launch Empty Re: Pulling timing at launch

Post  supervel45 October 1st 2023, 9:47 am

Hey Dave I saw this and thought of you.
Keep in mind I was not much into bracket racing and even less into electronic's on Hot Rods.
I did not look into all the MSD spec's are uses for this part, as I have been very busy.
If I am all wet behind the ears on it disregard.
If It can do anything you are after great. It's claimed New and the Price is Nice.

If Anyone Else Can Use It Good for Them.

Also Not Mine, Buy at Your Own Risk. As Always!


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Pulling timing at launch Empty Re: Pulling timing at launch

Post  rmcomprandy October 1st 2023, 12:16 pm

Dave De wrote:I currently have a 6AL with a 2-step and want to pull timing on a ramp at launch for consistency with bracket racing. It looks like I need to go to a Digital 7 Plus to do that, MSD 7531. Those that are using this feature,how do you like it? Do I really need a crank trigger over my MSD distributor and is the slew feature good to use?

I don't know if MSD still offers it but, The "Digital 6 Programable" will do that; but for the price you may as well get the 7.


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Pulling timing at launch Empty Re: Pulling timing at launch

Post  Dave De October 1st 2023, 9:35 pm

Thanks Guys....
The Digital 6 wont cut it but the Digital 7 or the Grid with add-ons will. I bought a TCS-1 programmable box from Daytona Sensors that works with my 6AL. It allows me to create timing/rpm curves on my PC and download it to the module. I already played around with it on the street with a low RPM curve pulling 5 degrees until 1,500 rpm and linearly taking the retard out by 3,000, its amazing. This is very happy down low.

This is what I'm thinking
My two step is at 4,000 to 4,200rpm
Stall converter is 5,000rpm
Shift at 6,700rpm

I will pull 7 degrees from 4,000 to 5,000 and ramp to all in linearly from 5,000 to 5,500.
Another timing table for 5 degrees instead of 7. I'm trying to scrub off about 150 hp and bring it all in within 4/10ths of a second rolling the front wheels out of the beams instead of plucking the wheels straight up off the line.

If this isn't effective I can run this on a window switch for first gear only and raise 5,500 to 6,000. I am not comfortable pulling 10 degrees with SR-71 heads. Does anyone with experience want to critique this? I'm in unfamiliar territory here.
Dave De
Dave De

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Location : Highland, MI

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