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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  supervel45 October 23rd 2023, 11:55 pm

Pretty Sure My FRPP Engine Gasket Kit Has the 1231's, Need to Double Check.

Used some 1231-S3's on what I Ass/Ume is a Stocker Late Model 460. I had them so why not.

I am Under the Impression the S-3's are .065" or so thick and for shaved heads, intakes, blocks ect. to help seal any mis-alignment to a Degree?

Or Other?



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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty Re: FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  pmrphil October 24th 2023, 10:02 am

The 1231S-3 has a steel layer in between the 2 composition layers, supposedly to help street type engines keep the gasket in place, especially at the water jackets. They do work well.


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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty Re: FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  supervel45 October 24th 2023, 9:34 pm

pmrphil wrote:The 1231S-3 has a steel layer in between the 2 composition layers, supposedly to help street type engines keep the gasket in place, especially at the water jackets. They do work well.


I did not know that. I thought they may have been thicker. I see both advertised but, they don't seem to give much detail on the difference.

The price for the S-3's seem to be about the same, and sometimes cheaper. I will stick with the S-3's and Orange High Temp Silicone at the water passages then.


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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty Re: FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  the tree man October 24th 2023, 11:31 pm

The FelPro site gives some info on with and without steel core. Without is designed for racey applications where the intake will be pulled regularly for service and they're easier to trim without the steel core to match ported/aftermarket heads/intake. The steel core are for extended service. I've been down this road. The Ford pic was when I pulled the intake on the 460 that came in my Fairlane and the Chev is after a few thousand miles in my other car (a couple other ports were worse). I checked all surfaces for straight/angle and both were perfect. I now run steel core only. Sorry about the Chev pic. Educational purposes only.

FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts 20180210FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Img_2010
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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty Re: FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  supervel45 October 25th 2023, 12:23 am

the tree man wrote:The FelPro site gives some info on with and without steel core. Without is designed for racey applications where the intake will be pulled regularly for service and they're easier to trim without the steel core to match ported/aftermarket heads/intake. The steel core are for extended service. I've been down this road. The Ford pic was when I pulled the intake on the 460 that came in my Fairlane and the Chev is after a few thousand miles in my other car (a couple other ports were worse). I checked all surfaces for straight/angle and both were perfect. I now run steel core only. Sorry about the Chev pic. Educational purposes only.

FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts 20180210FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Img_2010

Thanks for the Pictures and Info. Don't sweat the Bowtie, I have no problems with that and Like all the Big American Three. Cool

Back in the Day I Used Permatex 2B and Later Indian Head Gasket Cement on the Intake Gaskets and Sometimes-Always on Valley Pans if I ran Them.

We Had a 351W Suck all the water out on a Pass with The POS PrintoSeal FelPro's Once. Very Fotuniate that a Rod/Rods did not get bent.

I Guess I will Pickup Another Set of S3 CJ's as The SVO/FRPP kit is Not Them. They are Stamped 1230 R2.

They will be Glued if Used Just Like the S3's.


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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty Re: FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  supervel45 October 25th 2023, 3:02 am

the tree man wrote:The FelPro site gives some info on with and without steel core. Without is designed for racey applications where the intake will be pulled regularly for service and they're easier to trim without the steel core to match ported/aftermarket heads/intake. The steel core are for extended service. I've been down this road. The Ford pic was when I pulled the intake on the 460 that came in my Fairlane and the Chev is after a few thousand miles in my other car (a couple other ports were worse). I checked all surfaces for straight/angle and both were perfect. I now run steel core only. Sorry about the Chev pic. Educational purposes only.

FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts 20180210FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Img_2010

Your T-Bolt Looks Awesome!!! Cool

I Have Always Loved Those Cars, With FE or 385 Series Engines. No SB's Need Apply Evil or Very Mad  

Since I am Running the Blue Thunder FE Looking Dual Quad on my 385 Series Engines Do You Think I Could Pull Off a T-Bolt Scoop on a 1980's Ford Truck, or is That Idea Just Silly Thinking?


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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty Re: FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  Mark Miller October 25th 2023, 11:37 pm

the tree man wrote:The FelPro site gives some info on with and without steel core. Without is designed for racey applications where the intake will be pulled regularly for service and they're easier to trim without the steel core to match ported/aftermarket heads/intake. The steel core are for extended service. I've been down this road. The Ford pic was when I pulled the intake on the 460 that came in my Fairlane and the Chev is after a few thousand miles in my other car (a couple other ports were worse). I checked all surfaces for straight/angle and both were perfect. I now run steel core only. Sorry about the Chev pic. Educational purposes only.

FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts 20180210FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Img_2010

I've had the Fel Pro's look like that a few times on my 466 With Aluminum CJ heads and switched to Mr.Gasket Ultra Seals IIRC and no more problems!!

Mark Miller

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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty Re: FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  the tree man October 26th 2023, 1:38 am

I like the easy clean up when removing the FelPro's even though I'd really prefer to never have to pull an intake. Unfortunately,until recent years I've torn apart my engines regularly,too often for my liking actually,for upgrades or repairs so never had a problem with the regular Printoseal until I got lucky and went a couple summers without grenading anything. That was enough time for the composting of the gasket to start and I've been running steel cores without issue in the Chev ever since . After seeing the gasket catastrophe in the Ford it just confirmed what I already knew. Definitely an extreme case of decomposing. Steel core in my current 545.

I don't know about a teardrop blister on an 80's truck,that body is pretty square and the scoop is kinda roundish. It may look OK,I'd have to see it but it's your rig and if you like it that's all that matters. Good luck.
the tree man
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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty Re: FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  supervel45 October 26th 2023, 5:52 am

the tree man wrote:I like the easy clean up when removing the FelPro's even though I'd really prefer to never have to pull an intake. Unfortunately,until recent years I've torn apart my engines regularly,too often for my liking actually,for upgrades or repairs so never had a problem with the regular Printoseal until I got lucky and went a couple summers without grenading anything. That was enough time for the composting of the gasket to start and I've been running steel cores without issue in the Chev ever since . After seeing the gasket catastrophe in the Ford it just confirmed what I already knew. Definitely an extreme case of decomposing. Steel core in my current 545.

I don't know about a teardrop blister on an 80's truck,that body is pretty square and the scoop is kinda roundish. It may look OK,I'd have to see it but it's your rig and if you like it that's all that matters. Good luck.

I noticed the Felpro intake gaskets looked a little off on my SCJ intake when I pulled my 429 apart. They were still holding but looked similar to the ones in you pictures. I have seen it on the SBC's Also.

You are correct on the 80's trucks being too square and not a good match for the Teardrop. Thanks again, it was a long shot but, you are right and I better skip that. The 73-79 guy's and I am one, might pull it off. When I try do a mind flash of it on a 1979 it looks a lot better. No Scoop and Sleeper is a better plan anyway, and I think this one will be.


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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty Re: FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  rmcomprandy October 27th 2023, 10:15 am

I have been saying for years now about NOT using the floppy Fel-Pro "print-o-seal" gaskets with high mileage street engine builds only to hear in response about how good they are and nothing is wrong with using them.
I guess it just takes a while for some people to understand.

"Good judgement comes from experience and experience ... well, that comes from bad judgement"; Ben Franklin.


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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty FelPro 1231S-3 Reduced Free Shipping 34 and Change, Bucks

Post  supervel45 November 5th 2023, 9:33 pm

That's a Very Good Price for Them.

I Probably Need to Snag a Set or Two, and The Price Drop's More if you Buy 2 or 3 Sets. Cool

Op, I did Just Put a Set of These on a Stock 460. Too Soon To Tell Anything.

Cheapest Price Ever and FREE Shiping. Put Them on Your Watch List, They Will Make You a Lower Offer Likely, Like They Did Me.


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FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts Empty Re: FelPro 1231 Vs. 1231 S-3 Thoughts

Post  BOSS 429 December 27th 2023, 4:56 pm


I have used a lot of 1230 31s etc. 99% of the time I use a fel pro, and I mean lots never a failed one yet!!.

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