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A460 Tunnel Ram R&D

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A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  Empty A460 Tunnel Ram R&D

Post  G-Code January 19th 2024, 3:25 am

For a few years now I've been working on the design of a "Better" A460 Tunnel Ram for the 6,800 - 7,500 rpm range.

In 2021 I had a set of spacer inserts made for my new style TR to get the intake pulse more inline with my RPM range:

A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  A460_TR_New

with spacer inserts:
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  Tunnel_ram_Proto_teT4THj2S655PduKxN3bfc
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_2421

Dyno results -  Spacer is blue line: ( engine was down 28 hp from baseline-if fresh it would have made 1,000 at 7k)
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  52407649780_383fa603c9_z

I wanted to try another approach with a longer runner manifold and decided to do some tweaks to a "Holmes" manifold I purchased from Lem some 12 years ago or so:

The manifold went from:
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_3178_9uUWLj4tEnAbtBuXgvNsvD

A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_3340
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_2213

I wanted to shorten the original runner and the best way  I could figure out to do it (other than cutting off the plenum and chopping the runners and then welding plenum back on, was to build up the outside bottom of the plenum and then cut through the original floor and cut the runners down from the inside, and at the same time increase the plenum area.  Here are a few pictures off the process, over the past couple of weekends:
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_2243
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_2237

Got to cutting:
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_2182

Where the quarters are sitting there's another .185" to cut:
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_2293
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_2380

The floor was finished up this evening and will start working a bit more on the runners this coming weekend:
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_2441


Posts : 193
Join date : 2010-07-12

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A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  Empty Re: A460 Tunnel Ram R&D

Post  supervel45 January 19th 2024, 1:45 pm

Are you going to do a A to B Test also on the Intakes?

The runners on the Holmes look like they are around 3/8" bigger (rectangle now instead of square) in the plenum then the other one.

Looks like you are pretty close to a Cast "Sheet Metal" at this point Smile


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Join date : 2013-09-04

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A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  Empty Re: A460 Tunnel Ram R&D

Post  G-Code January 19th 2024, 3:40 pm

supervel45 wrote:Are you going to do a A to B Test also on the Intakes?

The runners on the Holmes look like they are around 3/8" bigger (rectangle now instead of square) in the plenum then the other one.

Looks like you are pretty close to a Cast "Sheet Metal" at this point Smile

The runners are getting opened up. The stock "Holmes" runner is about 5.13" sq in. 2.7 x 1.9 approx.
These are getting opened up to around 5.75" sq in or a tad bit more:
A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_2305


Posts : 193
Join date : 2010-07-12

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A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  Empty Re: A460 Tunnel Ram R&D

Post  G-Code January 19th 2024, 3:53 pm

The target runner length on this was determined by a combination of a couple different math formulas and the chart that Paul Swartz has posted on his web site. Paul is a sharp guy and made my spacer inserts for me posted above:

A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  IMG_9139

Target RPM is 7,300. I'm on the "long" end of his scale for now, but I might lower the runner just a tad.


Posts : 193
Join date : 2010-07-12

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A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  Empty Re: A460 Tunnel Ram R&D

Post  BOSS 429 January 29th 2024, 5:16 pm

Why 7300 rpm?
BOSS 429
BOSS 429

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A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  Empty Re: A460 Tunnel Ram R&D

Post  G-Code February 1st 2024, 2:16 pm

BOSS 429 wrote:Why 7300 rpm?

A460 Tunnel Ram R&D  Boat_River

Jet boat engine. It's operating range is 4000-7,200.

I figure with a target of 7,300 it would make for a good Bracket Racer intake.


Posts : 193
Join date : 2010-07-12

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