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94 F250 FWD

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94 F250 FWD Empty 94 F250 FWD

Post  2 wicked April 4th 2024, 6:23 pm

Got a dumb question! I have a 94 F250 FWD that I need to replace the axle shaft u joints. Which spindle nut socket do I need? I have one for a dana 44 axle. Just can't find a definite answer for a dana 50 ttb. Any help much appreciated.

2 wicked

Posts : 211
Join date : 2019-01-02

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94 F250 FWD Empty Re: 94 F250 FWD

Post  supervel45 April 4th 2024, 8:21 pm

2 wicked wrote:Got a dumb question! I have a 94 F250 FWD that I need to replace the axle shaft u joints. Which spindle nut socket do I need? I have one for a dana 44 axle. Just can't find a definite answer for a dana 50 ttb. Any help much appreciated.

Not sure if this correct but, maybe it will help.

2 9/16"


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94 F250 FWD Empty Re: 94 F250 FWD

Post  2 wicked April 5th 2024, 3:36 pm

Thanks, I finally found the correct one. Apparently they used 2 different styles of spindle nut. One for manual hubs and one for auto hubs, which I have. It's a rounded hex socket I needed.

2 wicked

Posts : 211
Join date : 2019-01-02

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