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WTB: Frank Merkl C-6 V/B

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WTB: Frank Merkl C-6 V/B Empty WTB: Frank Merkl C-6 V/B

Post  Copperhead April 17th 2011, 9:49 am


I'm needing a new C-6 Trans-Brake Valve Body and I would like to get one of Frank's.

I missed out on the last batch he made.

I'm not looking for one of the TCI ones he refurbish's from time to time, but one of HIS units. Preferably a new one.

If anyone has one and their willing to part with it, please let me know. I really want to get my truck going again.


Posts : 492
Join date : 2009-09-05
Age : 54
Location : Pikeville, KY

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