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Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)?

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Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)? Empty Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)?

Post  4604X4 June 26th 2017, 12:39 pm

I'm going to build a custom exhaust from headers back on my truck.
I currently have a catalytic converter installed (3" high flow) that was put on ten years ago with some custom exhaust work. the shop said they had to install the Cat by law since my truck originally came with one.

Now I'm redoing the exhaust myself and want to know - should I leave the Cat installed?

My truck has no other emission devices (no egr, no air, etc. My build is in my signature line.). Is the Cat actually doing anything to clean the air? If it is, I don't mind having it.

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Join date : 2012-06-24

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Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)? Empty Re: Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)?

Post  83Capri June 28th 2017, 9:31 am

yes it does do something. Should you keep it? That depends where you live. some people have a moral dilemma with removing emissions equipment. I know I don't.

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Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)? Empty Re: Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)?

Post  dfree383 June 28th 2017, 10:44 am

To keep it legal for on road use I'd keep it, the high flow ones really don't hurt performance with a full exhaust system

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Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)? Empty Re: Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)?

Post  4604X4 June 28th 2017, 10:49 am

It still won't be "street legal" since I pulled the other emissions stuff off (the egr, air pump, computer, feed-back carb). Plus the original engine was a 351W and now its a 460.
I don't mind running a Cat (and if I was stopped for emissions violations, having a cat installed would be one less fine), but if the Cat is going to clog up because of the way my engine is setup, then I would be hurting performance and just throwing money away.
But if it will work (or at least not clog) then having it is desirable.

Posts : 108
Join date : 2012-06-24

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Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)? Empty Re: Should I keep the Cat on my truck (i Have no other emmissions devices)?

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