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new pro comp parts!

Doug Rahn
BOSS 429
John Myrick
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new pro comp parts! - Page 2 Empty Re: new pro comp parts!

Post  jasonf April 2nd 2018, 2:14 pm

People are too stupid to see long term value (or lack there of). We live in the now generation where most people just want the cheapest stuff possible. Most stuff that comes from China is garbage. Everything you buy last 6 months or maybe a year then you toss it and have to buy a new one. You used to buy an appliance and they would last 20,30 maybe 40 years. I am on my third fridge in the last 15 years. Boy I am sure saving money with all these parts made in China. The only winner is the manufacturers pedaling this junk...

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new pro comp parts! - Page 2 Empty Re: new pro comp parts!

Post  stanger68 April 2nd 2018, 9:02 pm

jasonf wrote:People are too stupid to see long term value (or lack there of). We live in the now generation where most people just want the cheapest stuff possible. Most stuff that comes from China is garbage. Everything you buy last 6 months or maybe a year then you toss it and have to buy a new one. You used to buy an appliance and they would last 20,30 maybe 40 years. I am on my third fridge in the last 15 years. Boy I am sure saving money with all these parts made in China. The only winner is the manufacturers pedaling this junk...

I agree 110% I buy American made products whenever possible. $4.00 can opener, $8.00 roll of super strength duct tape. Last year we bought a whirlpool fridge and paid extra for the USA sticker. I’ve noticed more items coming back slowly. 10 years ago you wouldn’t find an American made fridge period. But WE ALL have to do our part and buy them if they’re going to stay in business. Some people just don’t get it.


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