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Slimy water pump

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Slimy water pump Empty Slimy water pump

Post  Yoslick September 1st 2018, 8:35 am

Hey guys, just did a water pump, thermostat, air pump delete on an 87 Econoline 460 R.V. all looked
Good till I removed the water pump. Surface of the block area was kinda slimy. No water in the oil and did a pressure test after all was replaced. Anybody ever experienced something like this? Also what’s everybody’s preference on thermostats, had a 195 in it and I replaced with a 180. Was at A on Normal when running and never seemed to move, now it’s at O and moves up and down with opening of the thermostat. Thanks for the help!!


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Join date : 2018-07-23

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Slimy water pump Empty Re: Slimy water pump

Post  BBFTorino September 1st 2018, 2:07 pm

Sounds like someone at some point in time put that liquid "stop leak" stuff in there. You may want to flush the radiator out as good as you can too!!


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Join date : 2015-12-31

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