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I need a Dyno shop in Alabama

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I need a Dyno shop in Alabama Empty I need a Dyno shop in Alabama

Post  stanger68 September 4th 2018, 12:11 am

I have a guy locally that I want to use. Same shop that did all my machine work. But his dyno has been broke for a few months now. I've been stalling just doing other stuff to the car that needed to be done before i could use the engine anyway. Now I'm to the point that I cant do much else but run it. All i need now is a torque converter and a drive shaft. Both of which can be had pretty quick. Does anybody know a reputable shop to Dyno my 557? I talked to a guy up in Huntsville Friday and he was all for it until I said alcohol. Then he said he doesn't do anything with alcohol because it's too dangerous, blows up his mufflers. Talked to a second shop up that way and he didn't know anything about the Ron's fuel injection.

Anyways, I'm in Birmingham and willing to travel an hour or so for a good shop. I'm to the point now if I don't find someone soon I'm just going to send that bitch down the track and put it on a chassis dyno later. another catch is my headers are side exit 18 bolt A heads so they would have to have headers to fit it. Standard BBC flanges won't work.

I really wanted to share the exact numbers with you guys in the build section for reference and just to know myself. bounce


Posts : 502
Join date : 2015-12-05
Location : Birmingham, Al

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I need a Dyno shop in Alabama Empty Re: I need a Dyno shop in Alabama

Post  stanger68 September 5th 2018, 8:49 am



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Join date : 2015-12-05
Location : Birmingham, Al

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I need a Dyno shop in Alabama Empty Re: I need a Dyno shop in Alabama

Post  BBFTorino September 5th 2018, 11:30 pm

You may have to travel to Georgia to get a good Ford based dyno shop. Engine Systems and Jon Kaase are the first to come to mind. But there may be others a little closer??


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Join date : 2015-12-31

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I need a Dyno shop in Alabama Empty Re: I need a Dyno shop in Alabama

Post  stanger68 September 6th 2018, 11:14 am

Thanks. I made contact with Bennet Racing this morning. It should be on the dyno in the next 2 weeks.


Posts : 502
Join date : 2015-12-05
Location : Birmingham, Al

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