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Chevy repair question.

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Chevy repair question. Empty Chevy repair question.

Post  BBFTorino January 11th 2020, 10:06 pm

I know it's Chevy, but go easy please!! Very Happy
My neighbor has a Chevy Tahoe and the rear drivers side electric window motor quit working. He has another Tahoe in his backyard for parts. So I took the window motor from that one and swapped it into his good Tahoe. It worked for about a week, then stripped the gears (plastic).
So I am thinking of taking the window motor from the other side (passenger side rear) and replacing it again....but I need to know are these things left and right specific? Is it able to be used in the opposite side door?


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Chevy repair question. Empty Re: Chevy repair question.

Post  69F100 January 12th 2020, 5:02 pm

Not sure on the Chevy but Ford has a left and right

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Chevy repair question. Empty Re: Chevy repair question.

Post  Mike R January 12th 2020, 6:28 pm

The motor itself may interchange but the regulators are side specific

Mike R

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