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Lifter bushings

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Lifter bushings  Empty Lifter bushings

Post  Steve-oh April 8th 2020, 9:20 pm

Been researching this subject there was a suggestion of running a line from gallery above oil filter to the oil pressure gauge gallery, is this done because of the restriction of the lifter bushings?


Posts : 59
Join date : 2018-09-18

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Lifter bushings  Empty Re: Lifter bushings

Post  bigford632 April 10th 2020, 4:56 pm

Steve-oh wrote:Been researching this subject there was a suggestion of running a line from gallery above oil filter to the oil pressure gauge gallery,  is this done because of the restriction of the lifter bushings?

That is an old crutch used in an attempt to help feed oil into the rear of the block in an attempt to protect the rear main and rod bearings in factory 460 blocks. Adding bushings to the passenger side lifter bores is a much better way to control oil to the top end of a factory block which helps keep the oil where it's needed most on the mains and rods.


Posts : 42
Join date : 2018-01-04

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Lifter bushings  Empty Re: Lifter bushings

Post  rmcomprandy April 10th 2020, 5:05 pm

Steve-oh wrote:Been researching this subject there was a suggestion of running a line from gallery above oil filter to the oil pressure gauge gallery,  is this done because of the restriction of the lifter bushings?

Usually when lifter bushings are installed without enlarging the main oil gallery first.
In that case, the bushings intrude on about a 1/3 to 1/2 of the oil gallery diameter and oil flow volume can unintentionally be restricted.


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Join date : 2008-12-02
Location : Roseville, Michigan

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