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Intake porting

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Intake porting Empty Intake porting

Post  2 wicked December 30th 2020, 10:07 pm

Hey all, hope everyone had a good Xmas. Where would be the best place in the Midwest to have a A460 intake ported. Live in Iowa. Have all the flow specs from the heads. Got them thru Lem. I am terrible with a die grinder. Lol thanks cory

2 wicked

Posts : 211
Join date : 2019-01-02

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Intake porting Empty Intake porting

Post  57ford custom January 3rd 2021, 6:47 pm

Call R&R performance in  Spring Lake Park Mn and ask for Brian he does great work on heads so I am sure he could do an intake. They are good people.
57ford custom
57ford custom

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Intake porting Empty Re: Intake porting

Post  2 wicked January 3rd 2021, 7:13 pm

Thanks for the info 57custom, I will try and contact r&r in a week or so. My buddy has a flow bench but he won't port intakes only heads and port match intakes. He's damn good with old iron bbf heads but doesn't do many aluminum. He always said don't grind if you don't have a good idea what the results will be. I just want the intake ported correctly. Thanks cory

2 wicked

Posts : 211
Join date : 2019-01-02

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