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Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations

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Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations Empty Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations

Post  Ashburner March 3rd 2021, 11:20 am

I´m currently running T&D rockers on my C-heads but they´ll need to be replaced after this season or maybe earlier.
If there is a picking order on shaft mounted rockers on C-460 heads, which would it be,
Jesel, T&D, WW are in the race so far.



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Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations Empty Re: Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations

Post  rmcomprandy March 3rd 2021, 8:15 pm

Ashburner wrote:I´m currently running T&D rockers on my C-heads but they´ll need to be replaced after this season or maybe earlier.
If there is a picking order on shaft mounted rockers on C-460 heads, which would it be,
Jesel, T&D, WW are in the race so far.


Personally, for "C" or "D" heads I like the WW system. Just be sure the upper head studs are not to long.


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Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations Empty Re: Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations

Post  TravisRice March 4th 2021, 6:01 pm

Like Randy said. Watch the length of the stand bolts that they dont bottom out on top the head stud.

Had WW's on one engine and have Jesels on a engine sitting here. The cross shaft diameter is smaller on the Jesels. But seem to be an Ok rocker assembly.


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Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations Empty Re: Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations

Post  mitch huested April 29th 2021, 4:27 pm

Call Jon Kaase. They will be happy to give you their recommendation and they are, in my opinion, the authority on 460 builds. Friendly customer service and technical people too.

mitch huested

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Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations Empty Re: Shaft mounted rockers C-460 picking order/recommendations

Post  dfree383 April 29th 2021, 5:12 pm

On my c460 stuff I used WW and couldn’t be happier.

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